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a/n- double update bc idk when I'll update again.

Third Person POV-

Karli kept her focus on the building guarded by soldiers. It was the GRC supply department in Vilnius, Lithuania. She kept her hoodie up to hide her mame of curly crimson hair from being noticed.

"Reset. Restore. Rebuild. What a bunch of bullshit," she whispered to herself as she read the poster on the wall. She looked into her mirror of her motorcycle seeing her friend walk up to her.

"There's another entrance around the corner," he spoke. Karli stayed quiet the death of Mama Donya haunting her. "Have you thought about taking some time to mourn? Look, we don't have to do this right now."

"Yes, we do," she interrupted. She looked away from him feeling herself grown tired. "Did you ever think you'd end up here, doing this?"

Dovich shrug his shoulders, "I was always scrambling for a way out. Even thought about jumping in with the military, at one point, but, uh... Apparently mob security in Madripoor paid better."

"I always thought I was going to be teacher," Karli smiled at the words as she looked at Dovich. "Like Mama Donya. Maybe, like, History or Art or something."

"Professor Karli Morgenthau," Dovich chuckled.

"Bit of a tough profession in Madripoor?" He asked.

"Never thought I'd end up there, but then when everyone returned, and we got put out on the street, i knew it was the only place that had something that I could use to protect us. Do you remember how scared we were when we took the serum?" She asked. Karli looked down at her hands, "felt like my veins were on fire. Prayed it'd kill me. But it was worth it, because this world is ours. Should have been Mama Donya's. We'll use all of our strength to give it to the kids in those camps."

Dovich sighed, "you know, the power broker is gonna catch up with us eventually, right?"

"That's not a problem," karli spoke. "Nagel was killed in Madripoor. We've got the last of the serum. The Power Broker is about to come begging."

"So we just have the one fight ahead of us then? I'll take those odds. Maybe you get to be a teacher after all this is over?" Dovich smiled.

"Maybe," karli replied before turning around and eyed the gated building. "We've got all we need here."


"You said that Sam and Bucky were here on the same day this happened?" Walker asked the police at the jail center where Zemo was held at.

"Correct, do you think they jad anything to do with him getting out?" The police asked.

"Thank you!" Walker yelled cutting him off.

"What?" Lemar asked his partner. "So, you seriously think Sam and Bucky would've broken Zemo out of prison?"

"That's exactly what I think they did. they were desperate for leads like us." Walker replied.

Lemar chuckled, "come on, man. You know we can't accuse 'em of something without evidence."

"Which is why you and I are just gonna run with this one for a minute," walker said.

Lemar scoffed at his partners recklessness, "okay, so I take it what happens next isn't a strictly on-the-books type thing, is it?"

"Lemar, if we get the job done, you think they're gonna sweat us on the how?" Walker asked.

Wanda's POV-

MOM! Mom help us!

I open my eyes to the lighting of the private plane that belongs to Zemo. I try to sit up but my wound on abdomen doesn't allow me to.

"Donya Madani. She's a refugee, yeah." Sam spoke his voice faint. "Okay. Call me id you get a hit."

"Sam," I croaked out before coughing up the taste of smoke from the fight before lingering.

"Hey, your okay," bucky said grabbing my hand with his flesh one. "That was dumb of you to try and save me. Do ever do that again."

"Get shot? Yes sarge. We don't trade lives buck," I whispered, my hand tightening around his. He smiled at the line remembering Steve use to say a lot and its what he told Vision when Thanos threatened our lives.

"You okay?" I ask Sam.

"Yeah." He replied looking up at the ceiling. "Just thinking about all the shit Sharon had to go through."

"Wait, where is Sharon?" I asked.

"She stayed. She just wanted to make sure we got her, her pardon." Bucky replied.

"And Nagel referring to the American test subject like Isaiah wasn't even a real person. Just makes me wonder how many people have to get steamrolled to make way for this hunk of metal." Sam said sitting up and facing us.

"Well, it depends on who you ask. That hunk of metal saved a lot of lives." Bucky implied.

"Yeah, I get that. All right. Maybe I made a mistake," Sam realized. I held on to Bucky as I sat up pain jolting up in body.

Bucky answered, "yeah you did."

"Yeah. Maybe I shouldn't have put it in a museum. I should have destroyed it." Sam spoke.

"Look, that shield represents a lotta things to a lotta people, including me. The world is upside down, and we need a new Cap, and it ain't gonna be Walker. So before you destroy it, I'll take it from him myself." Bucky snapped clearly tired with Sam.

"At one point i hated that shield. I hated everything it stood for and now its all i have left of Steve besides the memories. My kids never got to look up to uncle steve and see him throw the shield. They won't ever get that opportunity but billions of other kids will look up to you as captain America. Hate will always arise but can you overcome that?" I said.

Sam stared down at the ground before his phone started ringing. Zemo walked over to us handing me and Bucky a plate of cheesecake. I mouthed thank you so I wouldn't interrupt Sam on the phone.

"They found Madani dead," he spoke. "She died in Riga, a city near the Baltic Sea."

"I have a place we can go," zemo said. "I, for one, am looking forward to coming face to face with Karli. Oeznik, we're changing course."

"тебе действительно нужно отпустить ее. она просто ребенок земо," (you really need to let her go. She's just a kid zemo," I spoke in Sokovian.

"ты не поймешь, маленькая ведьма, поверь мне. она не маленький ребенок," (trust me, little witch, she is no little kid) he replied before leaning back in chair and closing his eyes.

I closed my eyes Billy and Tommy's voices echoing in my head. Mommy! Mom! Help us! Please!

I'm bringing you home boys. I'm bringing you home.

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