Guard Dog part 2 (Alberto x Bunny Reader)

Start from the beginning

He doesn't have to really, but very sweet of him.

"Thanks Alberto."

And we head over to a little farmer's market that sells fresh food and clothing accessories.

I looked around and saw something that caught my eye. It was fresh carrots freshly pulled from the earth's ground.

"Is there anything you'd like?" He asked me, and I pointed at the sweet vegetable.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked down at me.

"Alrighty bunny, Ill get you some carrots." He teased me which doesn't trigger me.

We head over to the kind man selling the food.

Alberto bought me a few pieces of carrots wrapped in a little stringed bow.

He handed me the treat, and I immediately nommed on it.

I don't really care how people stare at me, I just love carrots.

Its like cake to me.

I keep noticing Alberto is staring at me with awe...I hope he doesn't find me that weird...

"What?" I asked him.

"Oh nothing, Its just cute to see you happy."

He called me cute mama mia...

I looked around the area and then spotted a certain someone...

"A-Alberto...?" I tugged on his chest with fear...

"I see him carrots...come on, let's head out." I feel him wrap his arm around my waist, heading to a different direction away.

"Hey! If it isn't the cute bunny bunny and fish boy!"

Oh no...

"How you doing bunny bunny? Enjoying your first date with your boyfriend?" The man then tried placing his hand near my little cotton tail, but heard a gripping sound.

I looked to see Alberto stopped him.

"You better stay away from us or else?.." Alberto spoke in a deep tone, which made me fear of him, but felt more safe.

"Mama mia I was curious!." Ercole pouted like a spoiled brat...he was literally gonna touch my tail on purpose!!

Is it good to call the police?

"Why can't you keep your hands to yourself pervert!?" Alberto pulled Ercole's hand away from me and held me close to his body.

He is really strong...placing my hand and face against his chest.

"Wow...lookie here! Fish boy got himself a little pet to play with!" He laughed at me...calling me a pet...

That just hurts...

I tried not to cry from his foolishness...but I feel Alberto walking away from the annoying Italian, heading out of the farmer's market and towards the little water fountain.

"Im sorry Alberto..."

"Why are you apologizing carrots? Non of this is your fault...its just he pisses me off that's what..." He said in an angry tone at the end.

I always felt like everything is my seeing someone angry scares me...

But seeing him angry is a little different...I gently cupped his cheeks, seeing if I could try calming him down.

He took a deep breath and looked back at me...

What do I do now?! 0///////\\\\\\\\0

"Your not afraid of me right?..." He asked me

Luca/Alberto x Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now