12- Meridian Hollister

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Meridian Hollister

                    My sister is nothing like me at all. Like I said earlier, we are like night and day. Meridian was the typical “Daddy’s princess”- with the exception, that she wasn’t always a princess. Meridian became friends with Pennel Phelps in 3rd grade, and those two have been thick as thieves ever since. It was weird though, because while Meridian idolized Pennel’s lifestyle, the fact that Pennel could get anything when she wanted it, and the fact that Pennel was one of the most beautiful females at our school, other than her desire for me, I could not figure why Pennel continued to be friends with Meridian. Not saying that Meridian was a mud-duck compared to Pennel, because while not trying to sound all incestful and all- Meridan was a hottie, when it came to looks. Meridian dressed better than Kellie, Gissele, and Scarlett…I think that one was of the few factors that I guess Pennel did like about Meridian. I already know one thing that Pennel didn’t like about Meridian- her steadfast loyalty to Dupree. After that party, something happened between Meridian and Dupree…and after that, Pennel could not say a word about him in front of Meridian.

                     Meridian would let Pennel get away with talking about her ex boyfriend from the 8th grade, Eric Cross…she even let Pennel sneak in a few zingers about Tip Camden, who she had dated for almost a year, until she found out he was a sex addict. I mean Tipper Camden was basically Russell Brand’s character from that Sarah Marshall movie. This dude had to have it- whenever, and however. So as to how that “little” tidbit flew over Meridian’s head, about not knowing he was a sex fiend (when almost everyone else in the school did know), is far beyond me. But, that is one of Meridian’s flaws- she’s a stand-up girl, for the wrong people. She’s too trusting of certain types of people too quickly. Dupree has had a crush on Meridian since the 7th grade, but Meridian, under Pennel’s hold, wouldn’t give Dupree any play…especially when, Dupree finally let it be known that he was a pothead. But then there was the party, where Meridian got shoved into a closet with Dupree, and when they opened it- Meridian and Dupree were sucking each others’ faces. Meridian and Pennel had a falling out after arguing about how Pennel tried to come hard at Dupree. Weeks later, Pennel apologized, and vowed never to speak ill of Dupree to Meridian’s face again…that was the only time I ever saw Meridian put her foot down towards Pennel. Other than that, she sniffs Pennel’s ass almost all day, everyday.

                   Pennel takes Meridian to clubs, and gets her sloshed, and leaves her on the doorstep, the front lawn, or lying in the driveway. Pennel makes Meridian often act out of character, antagonizing people she otherwise normally wouldn’t.

                   And of course, Pennel most likely influenced Meridian to start doin blow. Meridian has said that she has stopped…I believe her. Meridian may tell little lies to others, but Meridian has never lied to me. Meridian and mother have a weird formal type relationship- it’s like Meridian loves mother, but they don’t know each other as well as they used to. The rift began after we turned thirteen, and Meridian started liking boys. Other than certain basics of being an atypical teenage girl, Meridian barely came to mother for anything else. But Meridian would tell me everything that was going on with her life- from boys, to experimental drugs she’s tried, to light touches of foreplay action (although she never went into detail, because she knows I’m her brother and besides punching the lights out of the boy who fondles my sister, I don’t wanna hear about that). She’s told me all of whom Pennel has dated, and had sex with, and even told me that Marnie Springfield kissed her one time at this “spin the bottle” session at one of Dupree’s parties, down in the basement. While Meridian didn’t say the kiss was gross, she assured me that she didn’t intend to start dating girls anytime soon. All the boys at school loved Meridian…she wasn’t as mean as Pennel, although some of them actually thought they could get with her. Meridian was very picky when it came to boys, although the whole Tipper Camden choice was one nobody expected, but at the same time could see. He was the 2nd “supposed hottest badboy” at school next to Dre, and the only chick who did say no to him, was Pennel Phelps. I was sure Meridian had sex with him, but she says she didn’t, and I have no reason to not believe her.

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