14- Hatefuck

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                  We had now entered North Carolina, and I was rolling 80 miles an hour. I would eventually have to pull over, and get gas…something I didn’t want to do. The only thing that kept me awake, and going since we had left Annapolis Friday evening, was the last visage I saw of Meridian- her bloody, swollen face with blood all over the floor. I blamed only one person for letting this happen…myself. I should’ve told her about Dupree and me finding Gissele in Westport Homes, turning tricks for drugs. I should’ve told her that it was Pennel who pushed Gissele that way, by not supporting her friend in her time of need. Billings was right- I sit idly by, and watch my friends and family become tools of others’ machinations. This time, it cost me the well being of Meridian, my only sister…who was gonna be next? Jassandra?

                 Speaking of which, Jassandra sat in the passenger’s seat, and Kendryk was in the back. I called her back after I calmed down, and then left the building, heading to Thorsen’s office…he was the only one who could get me an extended leave, plus he would also be my “assurance” policy, if I didn’t come back, to call my father. I told Jassandra, everything- about seeing Gissele, about Dre joining the Academy, and about Pennel’s reaction when I approached her about Gissele. I tried to tell her to stay behind, but Jassandra wouldn’t listen.

                 “You are NOT going down there, and leaving me here to worry about you!” argued Jassandra. I already had my bag packed, plus I had “commandeered” Dad’s firearm from the house. I also had told Mom and Dad a lie…I told them that Meridian had lost her cell phone and called me via pay phone, and that she had lost her wallet, and I was going to bring her home. I didn’t want them to worry unnecessarily, and bring the authorities into this…that would cause Pennel, and all who are associated with her to get lawyered up, and shut their mouths.

                  “Jassandra, I am going down there, and snagging my sister! This has nothing to do with you!” I yammered back.

                  “You idiot! So what are you saying? That all these years that we grew up together don’t mean a thing? That I’m not allowed to care for Meridian, despite the fact that Kendryk and I have practically been around her our entire lives? Fuck you, Mitchell! I am going, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!” screamed Jassandra.

                   We stood there, looking away from each other. Damn this girl infuriates me, as much as she mesmerizes me at the same time. I clearly remember now why we used to argue and fight a lot before we turned 12- indomitable wills.

                   “You’re lucky that I love you,” I said, walking to the car. I opened the trunk, as Jassandra threw her bag in. “You lucky I love yo narrow ass too,”

                   “That was mean,” I said.

                   “I’m sorry,” said Jassandra. “You know I love that lil narrow ass of yours,”

                   “Hey, y’all got all the time in the world for sexing after we go get Meridian,” said Kendryk, as he put his bag in the car. We looked to him, with mass confusion, as he started texting again.

                    “Hold a damn minute! Who the hell told you that you were going?!” screeched Jassandra. “Ken, you need to take yo bag back in the house! NOW!”

                    “No,” said Kendryk. “Number one- Meridian is like fam, to me too. I’m going with you guys…and two- suppose it was a guy or bunch of guys that beat Meridian up like that. Y’all are gonna need all the help you can get,”

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