11- Underneath It All

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Underneath It All

                 Saturday afternoon…I was helping Jassandra and Kendrick clean the house. It was a sunny, but breezy day and Jassandra was hanging clothes on the clothesline in the back yard. I was washing the windows, and Kendryk was wiping all the dust off the shelves. I didn’t mind doing the work because afterwards, Jassandra and I were going to have the rest of the day to ourselves. She returned into the house, and took a look at the shelves. “Good job, Ken. I got all the clothes and sheets out on the line. You are free to do whatever you want for the rest of the day,”

                 “I’m going to hangout at the mall with Daphne and my friends…I’ll be back by 11 at the latest…we might go see that Piranha movie,” said Kendryk, starting to head upstairs.

                 “Carry your key, then,” bellowed Jassandra. I finally stepped in the house, with the wet rag, and empty bucket. Jassandra approached me, giving me a kiss. “Thank you, baby…that is it. We vacuumed the house, dusted, swept, mopped, got the clothes on the line drying, and got the windows washed. I didn’t know Grandma Haddie was still doin a lot of this,”

                  “So what do you wanna do this evening?” I asked. I put the rags in the laundry room, and set the bucket in the utility closet. Jassandra pondered a minute. “Let’s go to the movies,”

                  “Cool with me…what did you wanna see?” I asked, walking up on her. Jassandra smiled as I enwrapped her in my arms…we kissed furiously. She then backed away, a little. “Remind me never to go a weekend without you,”

                  “Never go a weekend without me,” I said, with a joking smile, as Jassandra giggled. We connected with another kiss. Jassandra’s hands caressed my arms, as we broke off our kiss. “And thank you, for telling your mother about the other weekend…the judge issued the restraining order, so not only can’t she bring her ass over here anymore, but she also can’t have any contact anywhere with Kendryk and I for the time being,”

                   “Well, that is good…I don’t want you fighting unnecessarily,” I said. “And ruin those pretty little fingers that I love,”

                    Jassandra chuckled. I sat down at the table, as she pulled the iced tea out the fridge. She then grabbed two glasses, and poured us some. I took a nice gulp, as all that housework had left me quite parched. Jassandra made a funny surprised look on her face. “We aren’t thirsty are we?”

                    “Yes I am,” I retorted. “The sun was beamin on me, when I was cleaning the upstairs windows outside,”

                     Jassandra hugged my head, being sarcastic. “Awww…my baby was up there getting a widdle darker,”- I lightly spanked her, as she laughed. I then draped my arms around her waist, sighing as my head rested against her bosom. Jassandra’s fingers played with my hair. “I missed you, Mitchell,”

                     “I missed you too,” I murmured, as my hand slid underneath her shirt, and massaged her back. I looked up to her smiling face, then kissed her tummy through the shirt. Jassandra giggled…we turned to Kendryk sighing as he stepped into the kitchen, grabbing a small size, Sunny Delight from the fridge. “Lovebirds, I tell ya,”

                    “Hush, Mister Daphne Little,” laughed Jassandra. “Mister ‘I’m taking my sweetie to college’ with me,”

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