15- Rest My Chemistry

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Rest My Chemistry

                 “I CAN’T believe this!” shouted Dad. I sat there on the sofa, on one end, and Meridian on the other. It seems that this was my weekend for letting everyone down around me. “I would’ve expected this from Meridian…but you, Mitchell? I am gravely disappointed,”

                  “I’m sorry, Dad,” I breathed.

                  “Come now, Remy,” said Mom. “I think you’re being a little too harsh on Mitchell. He brought Meridian home, alive- and that is what matters to me,”

                   Dad sighed, rubbing his head.

                   “It was my fault,” said Meridian. “I should’ve listened to Mitchell when he used to lecture me about Pennel. I didn’t…I thought I knew her better. If you’re gonna yell at anyone, then yell at me. Please don’t scold him,”

                   “I’m going to let this go, just this time,” said our dad. “But we are to stay away from Pennel Phelps from now on. Chances are now that this whole matter has seen light, Pennel is going to be lawyered up. Not to also mention that this could draw negative publicity to your mother’s work on Jassandra’s hearing,”

                   “You’re right,” I said. “I’m sorry I screwed the pooch. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt…I was trying to get Meridian and bring her home. I didn’t mean to disappoint you,”

                    “It’s okay,” breathed Dad, as he took me into his arms. “I’m just glad that you two are safe,”- he also took Meridian into his arms, and gave us both a huge hug. We grunted, as he squeezed the life out of us.

                    “Dad…you’re hurting us,” squeaked Meridian.

                    “Oh! Sorry,” he said, releasing us from his embrace. “You two get some rest. Unfortunately, your mother and I still have to get to work. Mitchell, I’ll inform Colonel Thorsen that you may be inactive for a few days…Meridian, until you get better, you stay here,”

                    “Can I go see Riley once I’m feeling better?”

                    “Riley Kessel? Menahem Kessel’s son?” asked Dad. Meridian nodded her head. Dad threw up his hands. “Sure. But take care of yourself,”

                    Dad slipped into his military coat, and buttoned it. Mom put on her blazer, and they both picked up their briefcases…Dad had a basic black military issue briefcase, while Mom’s case was Italian leather with custom hand stitching, and real gold clasps and hinges. Mom kissed my forehead and Meridian’s cheek. “Listen to your father, and get some rest,”

                     They left, closing the door. Meridian and I hobbled across the living room, and slowly climbed the stairs.

                     “It hurts!”

                     “Move out of the way Meridian! I need to take a shower-owwh, my ribs!”

                     “I wanted to take a shower first! You hog up the hot water!” she whined. “Stop pushing me! I’m moving as fast as I can!”

                     We collapsed, on the middle of the stairs. Meridian was clutching her right side, where the fracture was, while I clutched my left, which was bruised from when Dre and his partner beat me up. “I ran into Gissele a couple weeks back…she’s a junkie, Meridian. Turning tricks for drug money in Westport in Baltimore,”

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