╳•Chapter No. 6•╳

Začít od začátku

Time skip by Kaminari's ass

He wakes up, he hears the door opening and shut. He looked around him to have awareness of his surroundings. Of where he was. He looked behind him where the door was and saw Hitoshi.

"Oh uhhhh.....sorry if I woke you up."

"Nah, you're good bro"

Eiji said in a tired, husky voice. Toshi knew he was lying but took it anyways. He started heading to his room, after looking at Loki's bowls to make sure he had food and water. He saw two more. Confused, he turned to Ei and looked at him.

"Kirishima.? Why are there two more cat bowls.?"

Eijiro just gave Toshi a silent gaze.

"Did you- no, you didnt-...right.?-"

He looked around trying to find it and saw a head pop up on Ei's chest. He walked over slowly to try and not to scare him. He put his hand out so it can smell him. Once he did, Toshi slowly picked it up and held it up in front of him. He looked at him for a good few seconds before snuggling it and petting it making it purr kind of loudly. He nodded at Kiri as in approval for the cat. He walked to his room turning around as Loki jumped off of the couch and followed Toshi. Kirishima sighed in relief and laugh a little to himself about how quick he got attached and soft towards Kitty.
Ei got up and stretched. He went towards his room and went in closing the door and locking it behind him after entering. He walked towards his phone on the nightstand. And turned it on. He saw a few Missed calls and unseen messages from 'KatsuKatsu🥰' so he opened them and read them.
(I hate this part it takes so long but it's worth it T~T)







Hey, shitty hair, wyd.? Those damn extras, raccoon eyes and dunce face are bothering me. Fucking pissing me off.

-Sent at 6:47 p.m-
-massage unseen-

Oi, hair for brains, where the hell are you.?

-Sent at 6:55 p.m-
-massage unseen-

Oi, you better not be ignoring me, damnnit.

-sent at 7:09 p.m-
-message unseen-









There were obviously more but those are just to give you an idea. He didn't think about it until he re-read it.

'Wait a minute.. 7:09????'

Eijiro looked at the time and it was now currently 8:39 p.m.

"Damnit. I over slept. Whatever ill just tell him I was sleeping later." He sighed and puffed out harshly and sharply. He ran his hands through his hair and sat at his desk. He started going over the papers trying to remember everything, over, and over, and over, and over again. Until he knew he had it all down. He decided to start his assignment that was required for tomorrow when everyone went back to school. He finished that and when he was done, he looked at the clock on his side table. 1:13 a.m Eijiro read. He sighed kind of loudly and just sat there for a moment trying to gain consciousness again alittle but also trying to fight the urge to fall asleep right there and than. He slowly got up, not even bothering to put his papers back. He got up and walked towards the bed. He plopped down rather harshly and cuddled the other pillow he had. He had two but only used one so he used the second on to hug at night, yeah, he was a little touch deprived. Nothing he can do about it though right now. Oh well.

He pulled his thin covers over his lower body and got into a comfortable position before closing his eyes and falling fast to sleep peacefully. Thinking about Bakugo and the exams.


School is starting the Monday coming up im pretty sure so I wanna get this book done so I won't be stressed with this and school work. Hope it was good enough.

Words - 1535


♡𝘎𝘢𝘺 𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘥𝘺 𝘚𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴♡Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat