As if he felt Sirius gaze on them, Remus reached up and ran his pointer and middle fingers over his bottom lip. Sirius reached for his wrist and pulled it from his mouth, effectively also pulling Remus' face near his own; he cupped his cheek with his other hand. He paused only long enough for Remus to utter a soft 'yes', and then Sirius was kissing Remus like his life truly depended on it.

"Mhmm," Remus mumbled, "Sirius, wait, wait a  minute."

Sirius was quick to pull away, but didn't release his hold on Remus.

"Yes babe?"

Remus studied him with flushed cheeks, "this has to be worth it," his eyes flickered across Sirius' face, "I can't do this to my relationship with Reg if it isn't worth it."

"We will make it worth it."

"I don't want to hide it from him. I won't."

Sirius gazed back at Remus intently to covey just how serious he was about this. "Give me today to show you how worth it this could be, and if you want it after that, we will tell Reg tonight. I want what you want."

Remus grinned. "Me too."

"When you're ready, we'll get going, I have a lead on something and I need you to come too."


A lazy couple of hours later, Remus and Sirius managed to find their way to the apartment Remus and Regulus share. Remus found himself a change of clothes and freshened up. It certainly wasn't lost on him that there was an unfamiliar tooth brush in the cup next to the sink. He would have asked Regulus about it, but forgot when he joined Sirius and Regulus in the kitchen. 

"You're going where with James?" Remus asked to insert himself in their conversation.

Regulus sighed, "the guitar store."

"Fun?" Remus offered.

Sirius snorted a laugh, "no, which is exactly why I declined. James is the most particular person on the planet; Reg is going to end up spending hours there with nothing to show for it."

"Oh," Remus understood now, "lucky you," he teased. He turned to Sirius, "ready?"

Sirius grinned at him, making him blush, "ready."


Sirius was not exaggerating, James was the worst person to go shopping with. They'd been at the guitar store for four hours and James still wasn't satisfied with what they had to offer. Regulus wasn't quite sure how the store clerk wasn't tugging the hair out of their head, but they obviously had more patience then Regulus.

It certainly didn't help that they were nearing PB&J's showtime, and even though James had tasked Regulus with watching the time, he wasn't good at listening to Reg's reminders.

"I can't focus when you're just nagging, nagging, nagging," James huffed.

"Screw you." Regulus shot back, which must have made James realize just how much of a dick he was being, because he immediately turned to look at Regulus with wide eyes. He handed the guitar back to the girl who had come towards the middle of their appointment to relieve their first clerk.

"Regulus," he sighed as he tried to take a hold of Reg's hands; Regulus denied him. "I am sorry, I'm just tired and stressed."

"And that is no excuse for how you're treating me, especially because you asked me to remind you when you were getting close to running late for the show."

"Baby," James tried again to pull Regulus close, and this time kiss him, "com'ere."

"No," Regulus was resistant, "don't 'baby' me. I'm heading to the bar; come whenever you feel like it."

Regulus stormed all the way to the bar where he found Sirius and Remus waiting for him.


After they left the apartment, they walked to the bar where Sirius apparently parked his motorcycle. Did Remus know that Sirius drove a motorcycle? No, and he was not thrilled about the idea of climbing on the back of one. Sirius let himself into the bar and emerged with two helmets. One of which he fastened to around Remus' head and the other he pulled over his dark hair. 

"For fear of sounding cliché," Sirius said as he settled himself on the front of the bike, "but you're going to need to hold on tight."

Holding himself close to Sirius, now that sounded like a great idea. 

Remus was extra glad they'd taken a bike when Sirius was able to drive them through the dirt parking lot past the rows and rows of cars that certainty would have meant a good quarter of a mile walk. Instead, Sirius parked them very near the entrance to the flea market.

"How was the ride?" Sirius asked as he offered Remus a hand to steady himself as he got off the bike.

"It was good," Sirius unbuckled the helmet from under Remus' chin and guided it off his head, "I liked being close to you."

"Good." Sirius removed his own helmet and left them in a side pocket of the bike's accessories. "Ready?" he offered his hand and Remus took it without pause.

They walked through the entrance silently and were immediately bombarded with tables upon tables of items. "So, you said you had a lead?"

"I do, and as long as we get there by 4, the lead will stay right where I need it to. Let's wander around."

They spent the late morning and early afternoon walking hand in hand from vendor to vendor. When the opportunity presented itself, neither of them hesitated to pick up right were they left off in bed this morning, and Remus was sure that his lips would be bruised by the end of the night.

Their time was dwindling and the show time was nearing as Remus and Sirius made it to one of the handful of vendors that remained unseen by them.

"Sirius," an older gentleman greeted him as they approached.

"Henri," Sirius stuck his unoccupied hand out for the man to shake. He stood from his stool and met Sirius halfway across a table. "Did you hang on to them for me?"

"Sure did," the man walked with what appeared to be a stiff hip as he maneuvered to a box at the back of his tent. He brought it forward and opened it to reveal the object of Remus' greatest desires- a collection of vintage Cora glasses in the same rainbow design as the ones he had a home. 

"Oh my goodness," Remus reached forward to touch them, "you have the tumblers too? Holy cow- how much?"

"Take them," the man shrugged, "for Sirius and his friend, anything they want."

"We can't-" he looked to Sirius who was nodding his encouragement. "But the motorcycle?"

"Wrap 'em up real good and they'll be fine in one of them side bags."

"Really guys?" Remus asked and Sirius nodded, "Henri, thank you so much, these mean so much to me."

"Take what you want, kid, as many as you can carry."

Remus smiled and began handing Sirius glasses he wanted to take home.

He ended up with 7 total- 5 tumblers and 2 drinking glasses; one to replace the broken one, and one to be stored away as extra.

Sirius and Remus took advantage of their bit of alone time at the apartment; Remus being sure to mark Sirius with a visible hickey so Connor knew that he was now off limits.

He was a bit nervous to tell Regulus that he was going to be seeing Sirius, but at the end of the day, all they could be was up-front and honest and hope Regulus would eventually understand.

 But when Reg stormed into the bar, Remus realized it might have to wait.

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