NYC, 2

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Even though Remus had let Regulus convince him to go to the bar to see his brother's show, he hadn't convinced Remus to join them for dinner.

He ate 13 Cheerios and a nectarine before steeling his nerves and leaving the apartment. He could have Ubered to the place Regulus was getting dinner with the band, but he decided to walk. It was a nice night after all and he potentially earned himself a nice tasting drink at the bar. He walked with one hand in the pocket of his jeans, tightly holding the lanyard that held his apartment key, pepper spray, flashing alarm stick, and self defense cat that he could slip his fingers through and probably gouge someone's eyes out with. It all made him feel safer, more in control. He wore a single headphone and had his phone's volume on low, and he made sure to leave in time to make it to the restaurant before it was dark, even if it made him quite early.

He was 15 minutes early to the restaurant and sat down on the bench under the front window. The restaurant looked very expensive and Remus was even more thankful he'd skipped dinner with them. Apparently the band's manager was treating them because they had finally secured a short residency in the city, though money wasn't Remus' problem with the outing. After a few minutes of scrolling through Instagram, Remus heard the door open and subtly watched a young man step through it. The man leaned back against the wall on the other side of the door and pulled a cigarette and lighter from the inside pocket of his leather jacket. Somewhat entranced with the other man, Remus continued to watch him bring the cigarette to his lips and light it; he took a long, practiced drag.

"I'd tell you to take a picture, but then you'd show my manager and he'd ream my ass," the stranger announced after he exhaled. Remus' heart started beating faster in his chest, and not in a good way; he gripped his handful of weapons tighter and tried to ignore the stranger. "Not that he's not completely aware that I'm out here smoking right now. He's too busy trying to get in my little brother's pants," the stranger continued to muse. "Not a talker, eh," now the man turned his attention to Remus, "Hmm.. sandy brown hair, that I can see; you look pretty gangly, do you have hazel eyes?"

Remus was very close to nausea, he stood and pulled his keychain out of his pocket. "My friend is meeting me here; he'll know if I'm gone."

"Shit," the man cursed and took a step closer to Remus who backed up even further, "I'm Sirius' brother, Sirius. I mean, fuck I'm Reg's brother, Sirius."

"Why should I believe you?"

"You're Remus, yeah? Lived with Reg for 5 years now.. his birthday is June 25th. Have I made myself clear?"

"Just.." Remus heard the tremble in his own voice, "just keep your distance until Regulus introduces us." Sirius nodded but it was hesitant, "please," Remus begged this stranger claiming to be Sirius. He wrapped his sweaty palm even tighter around his handful of things that would be his last defense. His adrenaline from earlier was waning and he felt as though he'd be helpless to this man's advances if they came. Sirius took another step forward still going on about who knows what when Regulus came through the front door. He was laughing and talking to a very attractive man, but as soon as he saw Remus looking so alarmed, he frowned.

"Hey Re, you met Sirius it looks like?"

Remus nodded and felt himself finally relax a little. He watched a third and fourth man exit the restaurant. One of them walked over to where Sirius and the man who exited with Regulus stood; he pulled the cigarette from Sirius' fingers and snuffed it out under his shoe. Sirius shrugged his shoulders and began to walk away when the man started gesturing excitedly at him and verbally berating him. He didn't make it far though because by his second step, the other man grabbed his shoulder and spun him around; Sirius shoved him in the chest and he stumbled backwards. Sirius merely marched forwards, brushing Regulus on the shoulder as he did.

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