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Twigpaw's eyes widened warily as she padded through a clearing. The moon above her, moments ago a mere crescent, swiftly grew to it's full size. The stars flashed and danced around it, swirling towards the medicine cat apprentice. Lightning crashed to the ground, and thunder boomed in her ears. The tall reeds rushed with the wind, creating waves of green across the distant moors. Twigpaw looked up at the island clearing, eyes wide as a bolt of lightning with four forks sliced into the great tree. Following the eruption of electricity, the tree burst into flame.

Twigpaw's fur blew, and she struggled to keep her eyes open. The moon began to shine brighter, as did the stars. Their light kept growing and growing until Twigpaw could no longer look at the blinding glare. With a sudden flash, the sky returned to its normal state, and Twigpaw's eyes burst open. It was then that she saw a strange cat sitting on the fully recovered tree. Twigpaw stepped forward, about to approach the cat, when an eerie voice spoke, "The moon..." Twigpaw halted, fur rising as the silky voice entered her ears.

She cleared her throat, and replied, "W-What..?"

The voice spoke again, "The moon....!" The stranger-cat's gaze lifted up towards the full moon, and Twigpaw followed it.

"I don't understand. What am I meant to see?" She looked back towards the stranger, whom hissed in displeasure, seemingly frustrated.

"Look at the moon, furbrain!"

Twigpaw obeyed, shocked as the moon changed into the vague shape of a cat's face. "What in the name of StarClan?"

The cat on the tree smiled. "Interesting, no?" His black tail swished to his side and draped over his paws. "I thought so, anyways." Twigpaw scowled curiously, wondering what she could have possibly eaten the night before.

"Who are you?" She ventured, locking eyes with the black tom. His eyes were piercing to look at; his gaze unmatched even by the fiercest of leaders. "Well?" Twigpaw grew frustrated as his lack of an answer rang in her ears.

At last the stranger spoke, but instead of a name Twigpaw got something far different. "Insert prophecy here; I am having trouble coming up with an adequate one'"

Twigpaw's blue eyes widened. "Doom?" Her heart raced with panic. "What doom?" She turned and saw the mysterious cat racing off through the clearing, headed towards a vast oak forest. "Wait! You must tell me, what is going to happen?" No reply came, other than a sudden abundance of squeaking and rustling. All at once, an endless sea of rats swarmed the ground, seeming to consume the very earth as they went. Their evil little eyes glowed brightly, reflecting the moonlight.

Twigpaw chased after the tom, feeling rodent after rodent brush under her feet and between the gaps in her legs. before suddenly plunging into freezing cold waters.

"Twigpaw!" Inhaling sharply, Twigpaw awoke, sitting up abruptly. She now felt the cool of morning gust into her den.

"Wha-?" She murmured, her eyes still adjusting to the light. She swore that she could still feel the little bodies of rats swarming around her, but there were none to be seen.

"You were yowling out in your sleep." Twigpaw turned to see her mentor, Featherdust. She was a long-furred she-cat with dark points and light blue eyes. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine.." Twigpaw frowned, and looked around the den as she groomed her bristled fur flat.

Featherdust seemed satisfied with the answer, and simply laughed. "I told you that you shouldn't have listened to so many of Rockypath's stories." The fluffy she-cat strode off into the herb store, leaving Twigpaw to finish cleaning herself. "The tom is bat-dung crazy!"

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