"I'm going to get some sleep," he said, and climbed inside, reclined the chair, and dozed off.

You and Jimin looked at each other.

"Y/n we need to talk," Jimin said.

You responded with a "Sure."

Jimin walked towards the back of the car and opened the trunk. He shoved Yoongi's backpack to the side and hopped in.

You sat down next to him.

A full sky of stars sat clearly before you.

You and Jimin sat inches away from each other, both gazing once again at the incredible view in front of you when Jimin spoke.

"Why'd you yell stop?" He asked.

"Huh?" you responded.

"When I was about to punch Yoongi," he said.

You kind of shrugged.

"I just knew he wasn't going to really hurt me," you lied.

For some reason you were still hesitant to tell Jimin about your voices.

"Yeah, but how did you know?" he asked, "That he wasn't bad at all. I don't even catch onto things that quickly."

He had a point. Jimin was usually the one who had the quick, sharp ideas.

You decided to tell him the truth.

"Jimin," you looked at him, "You don't know the reason I needed to be monitored every night at the hospital."

He nodded at you, expectantly.

"I never wanted to bother you about it," he said, "It's only fair, I haven't told you why I arrived at the hospital."

You smiled. Jimin confirmed your unspoken bond: secrets.

"The reason is because I hear voices," you stated, "Almost every night."

Jimin kept looking at you.

"These voices, I believe, are real people," you paused.

"Yoongi was one of them," you say.

You didn't tell Jimin that he was one too.

"What do the voices say?" Jimin asked.

"The thing is I have no idea," You respond, "They're unintelligible sounds. Like in a different language. Sometimes they hum. They whisper, and they laugh."

"They sound terrifying," Jimin whispered.

You nodded, "They were at first. It's one of the main reasons I arrived at the hospital, but..."

You didn't tell Jimin that finding out he was a voice changed that for you.

You finished with, "Eventually they were comforting."

"And the voices are real people?" he asked.

You nodded and looked back at a sleeping Yoongi.

Jimin smiled.

"Y/n, you know this means... We need to find them," he said, "We had nowhere to go, but now we do... Well, sort of, but we can try and find all your voices!"

You nodded, "The thing is I don't know where to look. I found them- his, by chance." You motioned towards Yoongi.

"Like destiny," Jimin said.

You laughed.

"I guess you could call it that," you say.

You both sit quietly for a moment.

"Another thing," you turn back to Jimin, "Is that I'm pretty sure I needed to find Yoongi. I needed him to stay safe when you almost hurt him, and I think he needed us."

Jimin narrowed his eyes in understanding.

"It's all very confusing," you say.

You sigh and pull your knees to your chest, looking across the sky.

Jimin scooted closer to you, and you leaned your head on his shoulder.

"Thank you Y/n," Jimin said.

"For what?" you whispered.

"Never asking me why I was in the hospital," he said.

Now you never want to.

You reached out and held his bruised, broken hand and whispered, "I have a pretty good idea."

And as you fell asleep you realized that tonight was one of those very rare nights where the voices didn't come.

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