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You planned on leaving the gas station as soon as possible.

You were still only hours away from the mental hospital, and you wanted to be as far away from it as you could while you were on the run.

On the run.

It's a phrase you never thought you would ever use for yourself. It gave you a bit of fear and thrill at the same time.

"So Yoongi, why the blue?" Jimin said while pointing at Yoongi's brightly colored head.

"Tired of the same old brown," Yoongi answered.

Man, this guy really was desperate.

All three of you were sitting in Yoongi's car, driving off to who knows where.

You had packed as much food as you could (that didn't need to stay cold) and it was all sitting next to you in the back seat.

You took a sip from some bottled coffee while listening to Jimin and Yoongi talk in the front seat.

It's almost completely dark out.

You think this is the longest time you've ever seen Jimin without him aiming for his black and blue hand and punching it.

The thought made you warm inside.

Jimin seemed to really enjoy Yoongi's company and vice versa.

Yoongi actually wasn't that bad.

You found out that he's only a few years older than Jimin, and he really doesn't get out much.

At all.

His gas station was your mental hospital.

As he explained how he flunked out of college and wasn't motivated enough to get a more exciting job than sitting in a chair all day and charging people for gas every hour, you felt bad for him.

Once it was black outside, Yoongi pulled off to the side of the road.

It was in another field again, so you weren't too worried about people spotting you.

You all unbuckled your seatbelts and stepped outside.

The sun was completely disappeared, and a full moon replaced it, sitting in the sky.

There were no clouds, and there were countless stars.

The three of you stood there with your heads lifted up in awe.

You realized something that didn't come up while you were in the car.

"Yoongi don't you have a home to go back to? Why bother to come with us when you live somewhere?" You asked.

Yoongi kept his head up, looking at the sky.

"I don't have a home," he said simply.

Of course.

The backpack sitting in the trunk with all those clothes.

Yoongi lived in his car. At the gas station. It was his home.

You felt bad for not connecting the dots sooner.

No wonder he was so angry with you and Jimin.

But... you did steal.

Yoongi yawned loudly.

Jimin laughed, "Didn't you get enough sleep earlier?" he asked.

"Y/n was right I was faking," Yoongi said.

With that Yoongi walked to the side of his car and opened his door.

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