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You opened your eyes to a bright sky and a grinning Yoongi.


"Yoongi would you stop yelli-" Jimin stopped, and widened his eyes.

"Voices- Wait, Yoongi were you listening to us last night?!" you exclaimed.

Yoongi nodded, a proud smirk on his face.

"And I must say Y/n, the fact that my wonderful voice has been stuck inside your heads for countless nights is just flattering."

Oh God.

"You were fake sleeping again!" You realized.

Yoongi just smiled.

"Well I guess that means we don't have to tell him later," Jimin said.

You gaped at him.

"What?" Jimin asked.

"YOONGI WAS SPYING ON US!" You shout, and anger rising inside you.

"No," Yoongi said, "Not spying. I couldn't sleep because you guys were too loud."

But he didn't stop smiling.

Clearly he was pleased with his discovery.

You were mad.

It took so much courage for you to finally tell Jimin, and Yoongi was listening the whole time.

"Anyways..." said Yoongi, "At least we have an objective and we aren't mindlessly driving. Here."

He tossed you a granola bar.

"Breakfast," Yoongi threw one to Jimin too.

You just sat there.

"Yoongi, I don't even now how to find these voices. I found you by accident," you say.

"Then we can just keep driving until you feel absolutely compelled to stop," he responded.

Jimin just nodded with him.

You glared at them both.

"I-" you started.

"Well then let's get going," said Yoongi. He clapped his hands and walked to the drivers seat of his car.

You made eye contact with Jimin and he just shrugged. Then he stood up and walked to the side of the car.

"You can have shotgun this time," Jimin said.

You gratefully smiled and closed the trunk, then climbed into the front seat.

Your arm was now heavily bruised from yesterday, and Yoongi noticed it.

"Yikes," he said, pointing at the dark blue and purple, "You need some ice?"

"It's probably too late for that," you answered.

Yoongi shrugged, "Good because we don't have any."

Jimin laughed.

You smiled.

You opened the wrapper of the granola bar Yoongi tossed you and took a bite.

-MENTAL-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ