"Sorry, sir but we just felt like hitting someone or something..." Lola replied flicking her ear-like hair from her face, in quite a dashing way, lying through her teeth since it was supposed to be a diversion from us, but Scratchy caught on that he got a walkie-talkie from his shirt pocket and said something about this being a diversion, that he swiftly took hold of them that even though Bugs and Lola tried writhing their way out, they couldn't and was dragged to a better-looking vehicle, which was a blue van. A transportation that the police gave to Scratchy whenever any of my friends were trying to create a distraction and what Bugs and Lola did just predicted it. So he bound Bugs and Lola Bunny and dumped them into the back of the van.

"Hey, you don't throw a girl like that!" Bugs shouted, but Scratchy replied, "Well, you should have thought better than to divert me from doing a job I was hired for." Scratchy said then closed the van doors, to a scared couple. He then put the peddle to the metal and took off in the direction where he last saw us running. 

We didn't run that far since it was a van versus a run, so the van caught up to us pretty quick. We ran through parks, constructions, on top of buildings, jumping from car top to car tops, tunnels, through bridges and so much more. An ice cream cart was in the middle of the road that Wakko sneakily grabbed some for himself and got some more, as leftovers for his siblings and me, then continued on the run. Beads of sweat trickled down our foreheads and worried glances could be seen between us four, and Yakko was the most worried out of all of us, because his thoughts ran in his mind about me, and that he had to keep me safe. Mine, on the other hand, was being worried for Yakko, Wakko, and Dot. Scratchy saw us trying our best to dodge him and his nets while trying not to get caught. I was thankful for having a tail to use for me to maneuver through the sharp turns while running on top speed, while the dog-like toons went on all fours to make their strides longer to get Scratchy off their tails, which actually worked...until Yakko got tripped by a rock that was stuck to the footpath, that he let out a loud wailing shriek.   

"Yakko, you alright? Can you still walk?" I asked hurriedly yet worried he may not walk, assuming he had a twisted ankle. 

"I'm a toon, I'm fi-" Yakko started when he tried to stand but he felt the pain again, so he wobbled back down, "Okay, I'm not fine." And, I assumed right. 

"Hey, You guys get to the tower on your own while I have to turn myself in-"

"To what?" Wakko added jokingly but was still sad.

"Good question Wakko, now go!" I said rushing them, but Yakko didn't move or try to move but just sat there with a determined face. Once he caught sight of the blue van approaching along with the police force, Yakko replied, "I'm not going anywhere. I promised to be with you through thick and thin, so I will keep that promise!" Then he looked at his siblings and said, "You guys go while I'm going with her!"

"No, Yakko we're staying, right Wakko?"

"Right! But do you want some ice cream, sis?" Wakko said handing a vanilla ice cream to his sister. 

"Oh, thanks!" Dot said receiving the ice cream from Wakko.

"Well, can't change your mind, huh Dot?" Yakko asked smiling, as his sister nodded. 

"Than-" I started but was interrupted by the police that was already parked and out of their cars aiming their guns at us.

"Put your hands up and give the red panda up, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot!"

"If you want her, you'll have to take us too!" Yakko yelled out in anger. The police looked at each other and shrugged. 

"Well, that went easy," One of the policemen said. 

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