Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry for embarrassing you infront of everyone but saying that to young kids? That is really out of character from you." I rebuked Jay, with hands on hips.

Once Yakko and his siblings were out of sight, to get ready to their assigned places, I finally was released from them to have some time, to give a piece of my mind, to Jay.

"Well, they were the ones who ruined the show!" He rambled, putting up his hands in the air.

"They are the Warner kids! Obviously they weren't here the last 22 years, same with me, because I have just been drawn yesterday, surprisingly I am 17 years old and I still don't even know much about you!" I explained, flailing my arms around, then pinching my nose as I closed my eyes, in frustration.

"Really? Thought they were trying to ruin everything." He said, looking at me dubiously.

"Well, I mean, in your songs you are the one who had sung the most egotistical ones, so might as well have someone to show you how to really rap or sing." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, I guess I should be more careful of how I talk to or about people, huh?" He replied thoughtfully, scratching his head.

"Yeah-" But before I could encourage him more, we heard something in the room, next to where we were just standing by. Please don't be the Warner kids-But of course, it's them.

We opened the door and the next thing I know, I am standing infront of computer screens that showed us both, clips and videos all about Jay and his shows, mocking other people and the worst thing was he was talking smack about me.

"Why do I have to care for such a, forgotten drawing! But anyway, thanks for watching, stay tuned for more!" Jay in the screens said. I then glared at Jay, while the Warners were just sitting on top of each computer screen, watching everything infront of them. I now felt, like a steaming pot that was about to explode with heat.

"Seriously!" I screamed, then I conjured a big green, bamboo stick out of my pockets and whacked Jay with it and smacked him three times.

"S-Sorry, Red!" Jay breathed out as he twitched at the surprise attack. I exhaled and inhaled deeply as if I was about to hyperventilate, at any momment.

"Wha'd I tell ya! Never talk to or about ladies like that, Jay!" Yakko exclaimed, poking Jay Pac with his gloved finger, once he got down from his spot, as the others followed, in suit, "Good Job, Red!" Wakko and Dot said as they patted my back, "You beat him up perfectly!"

Jay only glared but he couldn't do anything. I caught his glare and I glared even more.

"Once I see more proper videos and see you are talking better in the next few months or years, then I'll forgive you...maybe." I gritted my teeth and shot him a death glare as I headed out the door, to which he only nodded in absolute and I closed the door behind me and Yakko and sibs followed behind.

"Oh, and one more thing, I quit! Since I am just an embarrassment to your shows!" I shouted behind the door, so that he could hear me, as I heard another crash behind it and I didn't give a single wince. I just walked past as if I didn't hear anything, feeling depression and anxiety, now thinking the world hates me, so.

I walked out of the bare warehouse. The show finished early since it suddenly turned to a rap battle and it only ruined his show so he finished right then and there, when he shook on it, with Yakko. So the room was completely bare.

I walked out of the warehouse and contemplated where to go to, now, because Jay's place was the only place I've been to but I couldn't bare him anymore.

The Lot was filled with gossip and people. Builders, fashion shows, conferences, actors with actresses and more, filled the streets and you could feel it in the air, that everyone had had their own lives and they know each other. Their children frolicking about the place, animals chasing each other and the humans are just trying to mind their own businesses while chaos is brewing just right outside.

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