Chapter 5

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When I woke up the next morning, I wouldn't call it a morning greeting. I was basically dragged from my bed by Yakko, Wakko and Dot.

"Sorry to wake you up like this, Red, it's just that we saw the news and it doesn't sound good. We have to hide you in here, first!" Yakko exclaimed in a hurry, opening a giant crater and slowly placed me in there. My mind was now spinning about what was going on, but the News in TV didn't sound good.

"W-what was it about?" I asked worriedly, and they casted a worrying glance at each other.

"It's about JayPac and the rest of the cast, in the studios." Wakko replied as he lifted the lid of the crater from the floor and waddled to Yakko, for Yakko to close the crater, with me in it.

"Um, watch your head, Red!" Dot exclaimed, as she slipped in my breakfast, but it was in a small container.

"Oh, thank you, Dot!" I called out now scared about what would happen next.

"Welcome! We have to go to talk with Dr. Scratchnsniff so that we can have a better talk with the CEO and JayPac and give you a clean slate! See ya Red!" With that said, Yakko, Wakko and Dot, helped push my box into some bigger storage, where no one can find me, closed the door and locked it.

I didn't know what was going on, but in my mind I started to become worried about this sudden jolt in the morning. My red, velvety fur was still unkempt and not combed, I was still in my PJs that Dot gave to me to wear and I, now, am holding a plastic container filled with my breakfast. It was silent that you could hear a pin drop, that it gave me time to reflect and get my head in the game.

I lifted the lid from off my breakfast container and stuck my spoon into it so that I could scoop it up and feed myself because I was so hungry. It tasted delicious. Whoever made this for me was a great cook. Though for some reason I've thought of Wakko! What's up with my brain!

I didn't know how long they would be out there to talk with the CEO and JayPac but one thing I knew about JayPac is that he won't back down. So, I wouldn't be surprised to see my title in TV of being a rebel toon, with their Superstars Animaniacs.

I mean, what was I supposed to do? Run away to a faraway place and starve to death? No, I didn't want to live that way. It's better to live a life of bad reputation than to starve to death since I was only a side one of importance. But Yakko and his siblings made me feel important! Why? Why, would they do that for me? Why stick their necks-out for me? I will forever be under their debt, and I will from now on be loyal and try my best to eventually find the best job for me...hopefully.

I sighed as I sat there alone with me and my thoughts, floating around in my head. I then thought of a song that I had heard back at the restaurant, last night. I think it was called, Sound of Silence?

Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence...

I kept singing more and more songs as hours ticked or passed by. I then heard something click from the door, that my singing halted. I dramatically gasped about who was going to open the door which I then felt relieved, once I heard who walked in and spoke out loud.

"Did ya guys hear that singing?" Yakko asked, that it sounded like he was smiling.

"Yeah! Hey Red, it's safe to come out now!" Wakko exclaimed with a drooling tongue.

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