Chapter 11

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Once Hello Nurse was out of sight, Yakko and I ran towards the other side of the buildings, of Carson City, because Wakko and Dot were there, running from the the other two, Scratchy and Plotz.

"We gotta hurry, Yakko!" I said shouting at him, who was litterally, behind me.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, Red!" Yakko blurted out, in between pants.

When we reached there, Dot and Wakko were trying to get rid of the two but they were persistent this time. Though something in this whole scenario, was fishy. Scratchy and Plotz, would give up easily but they were running much better than the last time, the Warners saw them. Why the perseverance?

All of a sudden, the police were on the track too, hearing the commotion from their stations and screams of the people that the Warner brother and sister crashed into, because they were running from the three; riding alongside the two running men, as if they were in some Tokyo drift, or something. Who even called for these guys? I knew they were, now, in trouble. The police put out their sirens and hollared to them to stop, put their hands up and bend down. Though Dot commented on the statement.

"Wow, how rude! I am peeved!" Dot shouted back frowning, when they tried to maneuver themselves to safety but they just couldn't wag them off.

"AAGH!" Wakko screamed and screamed, even more.

Yakko was now devastated that his siblings were about to get caught. I saw the look of worry, in his eyes. Whatever happened with him and the Nurse was, now, the least of my concerns, as I delved into the chaos.

Once I reached the ground I striked a pose and took out my infamous bamboo fighting stick and ran towards the police, using my bamboo spear-like rod, to sever one of the car's, wheels. The police in that certain car screamed taking out his gun from his holsters, then pointed them at me but I just rolled my eyes and swiftly knocked him down from off feet, then held him in place.

"Well, it seems like you are swept off your feet, huh?" Yakko joked and I just sighed and chuckled but told him to be serious.

"What? I wanna be funny, alright, this is already getting too intense now! This is how I cope!" Yakko said, explaining his actions as if he'd been caught red handed. I looled back down to the officer, writhing beneath me, as I then growled at him.

"Don't do that, again, sir. This is a kids show. And what you just did, showed animal cruelty!" I growled at the police man, not noticing Yakko watching me the entire time, having love hearts in his eyes.

Finally, he screamed. So, I let him go as he ran off into the distance screaming, "I'M SO SORRY!" I smirked. Great, one down, four more cars, to go.

"Guys! A little help, please!" I shouted back at the Warner siblings who were standing there like statues.

"Thought you'd never ask!" Dot replied back putting on her gaming face, getting ready, as did the others.

This time, Wakko and Dot joined in the fight, and Dot took out her whackable hammer, while Wakko opened his mouth super wide that, right after I severed each of the four cars, Dot would bat them into Wakko's mouth, while Yakko would secretly put dynamite into the cars and a huge explosion would set off.

"Huh, well that would suffice." I said mumbling to myself, seeing Yakko sneaking the red sticks, with lighted matches, into the hoods of each of the cars, that the other officers, went screaming and running for their lives.

"Wow, maybe we should have added some spice into it, people, but that was epic!" Wakko suggested and when he meant spice, he meant to stack the cars like how a burger would. Typical Wakko. But overall, we had a great fight. I laughed at his statement and we did victory dances, untill...

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