Chapter 14

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We all started to put our backs into it, and clean. Dot cleaned the bathrooms and bedrooms, while I cleaned the garage and the washing stations, and finally, Wakko and Yakko both cleaned the kitchens and lounges. Finally the stench instantly, disappeared.

Yakko and Wakko finally got to have some time to themselves, as they cleaned. After a few hours of cleaning, Wakko took it on himself to make some snacks for all of us, for breaktime. For some reason, he felt gracious enough, to save us some snacks, later on.

"Whatcha cookin' there baby, Bro?" Yakko asked smiling, while fluffing the pillows, then flopping them onto the couches.

"I'm making snacks!" Wakko said excitedly, fidgetting through the cabinets and rummaging for any snacks or things to use for his recipe, earning a grateful smile from Yakko.

"AWW, thanks, Wakko!" Yakko replied, cooing, now picking up the rubbish that laid on the ground around him, "First time being considerate, huh?" Yakko smirked playfully. Wakko scoffed at his older brother, playfully as well, but then smirked at a thought.

"Can I ask you a question, Yakko?" Wakko asked while cooking on the stove.

"Sure, sib, fire away!" Yakko said confidently walking up to a rubbish can throwing the pieces he picked up. But Wakko slyly smiled and smirked.

"Are you sure you want to hear my question, Yakko?" Wakko asked, prolonging the 'Are you sure' statement, in his funny, British accent.

"Uuuhhh...the way you're talking right now, is making me feel way too creeped out to know, Wakko." Yakko replied, nervously distracting himself with the cleaning as he spoke.

"Anyway, do you like Red?" Wakko asked casually with a smile, but Yakko stopped in his tracks turning beet red.

"U-Uhm, w-why do you ask, Wakko?haha!" Yakko stuttered, diverting his eyes to the other things in the room.

"I don't know, maybe because of the way you act around her...I am not an expert on that but you fancy her alot, Yakko." Wakko said looking at him from his cooking for a while, lowering his voice trying to be considerate for his brother, turning red every, second.

"W-Well, I don't know what she thinks of me...maybe she will think I'm too clingy I...I don't know if she would except me especially the fact I talk alot and I'm...I'm scared that she will reject me...I just have to take it slowly and easy, on her." Yakko replied sadly still trying to clean up the lounges.

"Hmm, alright, whatever you say, Yakko!"

"Wait...are you begging to, differ?" Yakko asked looking up intently, to his brother who was cooking the food.

"YUP, she actually seems happy around actually, really happy." Wakko said, while adding the spices to his ingredients into the pot.

"C-Can we skip this talk, it's really personal, alright, baby bro?" Yakko said almost into tears, but he didn't want to be mocked by Wakko because he cried.

This was Yakko's first time, actually, feeling something for someone, getting scared of it, and not just any feeling to other girls. He thought of those times and moments when I cared for him and his siblings, loving them alot. And he wanted that same love but mostly be directed to him, but only when he has the proper hint that I really do love him. Yakko just gave out a deep and sad, sigh.

Wakko then stopped talking more about it, to be considerate. If his brother didn't want to bother in talking about this, then he would stop. Wakko stopped stiring the food in the pot and noticed the absence of yakking from his brother. Wakko saw his brother was teary eyed and so Wakko just sighed and left his brother to contemplate for himself, turning back to what he was doing. Since, Wakko had to still tend to the steaming, hot pot.

The Warners With RedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora