As a general rule, I prefer not to get shot

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A groan could be heard from the living room, where Jason was sitting on a couch and pressing a bag of ice to his cheek onto the already forming bruise. Fuck. That chick sure can throw a punch, he thought as he gazed at his cracked helmet laying in front of him, letting his mind wander back to the mission they just came back from.

Justice League received a notification on the black-clad girl case that night, informing them she was seen in East Side Gotham. Yes, the whole league got involved, since the girl appeared in numerous cities across the country and managed to piss off probably almost everyone in a matter of weeks, a feat he admired her for. So, here they were, in one of the old warehouses, face to face with the said criminal, blocking her way to the only man left as the rest of them were dead. Why did it always have to be an old abandoned warehouse? Like, seriously, it was getting old.

"My oh my, if it isn't the earth's almighty heroes?" The girl tsked at them, "I guess that makes me the villain, huh?"

"I think the amount of people you killed makes you the villain." Aquaman retorted.


"Look, we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way. This is your last warning. Give yourself up or we're gonna force you." Nightwing spoke.

"Well, I'd say both ways are easy-peasy for me since I could beat you with my eyes closed and my hands tied. But I'm not feeling like going to prison so I guess I'll have to go with option two. Let me tell you, jail is no fun."

"So you've already been in jail then?" Red Robin asked, hoping to narrow down her identity.

"Once, in Monopoly."

Batman was completely fed up with her, that much Jason could tell from his posture. He watched his adoptive father advance on the girl. And everyone including him followed him, completely disregarding the man behind them.

The whole fight was a blur. Jason couldn't count how many of them were there. The girl was clearly outnumbered yet she stood her ground, gracefully exchanging blow after blow. From the corner of his eye, he could see Superman being sent flying across the warehouse and crashing into a wall. Ouch.

He had to hand it to her, her skills were remarkable. Never he had seen an individual face The Justice League, let alone keep up with them. Scratch that, she was kicking their asses. Half of the league was down by the time he got to her. He observed her while she was dueling Robin, their swords clashing together. 

The more he studied her, the more intrigued he became. Her fighting technique was completely foreign to him, it had fragments of Wonder Woman's fighting style but other than that, it was a mix of everything. Adding to his shock, while fighting them, she used the flat of her blade. Jason was burning with curiosity but a sword clattering to the ground snapped him out of it.

Before he could make it there, she knocked Robin out. Locking eyes with Nightwing and Arsenal, they surrounded her. They were the only ones left standing, the rest on the ground or trying to collect themselves and stand back up. So it all relied on them. How fabulous.

The first one to attack was Nightwing, swinging his escrima sticks at her which she blocked with her sword. Meeting eyes with Arsenal, Jason and him had a silent conversation between them. They nodded at each other, agreeing they had the best shot at winning if they attacked her all at once. Both of them took out their combat knives and charged at her.

They were no match for her. Ducking to the ground, she kicked Nightwing's legs from under him, his escrima stick clattering out of his hands. While standing back up, she brought out a knife from her boot and effectively blocked the knives. This went on for a while. All of them received small cuts and were growing tired. Nightwing managed to electrocute her with his sticks yet it did nothing to her.

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