3. First Days Should Be Banned

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⚠️trigger warning⚠️
implications/mentions of suicide

It was raining hard and the boy who was standing at the roof was drenched to the skin. However, he still found the city before him to be wonderful.

The traffic lights, the buildings, the dying sunset at the horizon that made it seem as the dark sky filled with clouds had been set ablaze; it was all so wonderful. And it had all come together on this day.

The green-haired boy had nothing but a gentle smile on his face as his mind engraved each and every detail of this scenery. This was what he wanted to remember and see as he took his last breath.

Everything had ended for him about a week ago. So why shouldn't he end himself too?

With that thought, he took off his red shoes and placed his envelope sealed in a plastic ziplock bag underneath it. He went to stand on the edge over the green wired fence of an abandoned residential building that was set to be demolished two weeks from now. That meant that one of the workers would find him by morning. And his letter would be found by the police a couple of hours after that.

He took a deep breath as he tried not to look down. He feared that if he did, he would back out. He didn't want to do that. Not when he'd already taken such measures.

He gazed at the scenery once more. It was a rare sight to see. He couldn't help but feel blessed today. He was finally taking charge of his own life. Even if it was about to end.

He thought about his mother for one last time and wondered how their reunion in the afterlife would be like. He imagined it to be tearful as his mother damns him for dying early but still clutching on him tightly as he begs for breath and she layers kisses upon kisses on his face.

He let out a small laugh as he let his imagination end, tears dribbling down and mixing with the rain. And then he took the final step...


It had been a long time since Sai had dreams about the life that he had abandoned.

Maybe it was a piece of the past come alive that had triggered the dreams again. It's not that he regretted anything from before but he sure did not imagine those things to be haunting him to this day. Afterall, everything that had happened had occurred years ago. And he was sure that he was over it by now. He had plenty of time to.

Right now, he had other problems.

Today was the day that he would attend UA.

He had gotten his letter like all others, a week after the examination. Of course he had been accepted however, he had somehow ended up at the top of the examinees. He just wanted to downplay his presence but it seemed he was going to become the centre of attention again. Oh, how much Sai wished he could direct it to someone else for once!

The gates to UA were huge and the security was good enough to avoid a frontal assault by large groups of of villains. They had ID-cards which were automatically scanned at the gate to identity them as students to let them in. He was sure if any non-student were to enter, the gates would automatically close.

Walking among throngs of students like a normal teenager once again was a weird experience for him. He'd always felt like he was in the spotlight yet invisible all at the same time due to his previous circumstances.  Now, he didn't know what to really think about the situation he was in. Everything was too... normal.

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