Chapter 25 - Gone

Start from the beginning

"...someone helpful, responsible..."

"Kaminari, you dumbass! Don't go using your quirk like that when you know you'll need the power later." she scolded him before helping him stand up and zapping light amounts of lightning into him, recharging her friend.

He looked at her with that stupid grin of his and she rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile afterwards.


"And what do we say to abusive pieces of shit?"

"No, dad. I will not tolerate your bullshit." Todoroki said, just like Zella had taught him.

"Aw, you learn so fast." she kissed his cheek. They got up from her bed and he got ready mentally to kiss her goodnight.

"I'm so proud of you, Elsa."

"Elsa?" he stopped leaning in.

"You're telling me you haven't seen Frozen?"


"Yeah, dinner with your dad can wait." she smiled and dragged him back down to the bed.


"I promise you, your voice is absolutely perfect. Sing with me?" Kyoka gave in and agreed to sing with her friend.

Jirou and Mikio sat by the piano and played the soft tune together, singing with smiles on their faces. Momo closed her eyes as she laid back on Zellas bed, taking in how beautifully their voices mesh.

"We were so young, I think of her now and then..."

"...and energetic, happy..."

"Oh, Izukuuuu~" she burst into his dorm room.

"God, Micky! Don't scare me like that." he jumped out of his chair.

"Sorry! I just had to show you this move I came up with earlier." she giggled.

"Oh. My. God. Don't move, I gotta find my notebook." he searched for it in his drawers.

"What's it about?" he asked while looking frantically.

"It's an electric shield of sorts."

"...and just someone who made sure everyone was- I'm sorry..." he took a deep breath underneath his hand to try not to break down in front of the cameras. He cleared his throat and put his shaky hands down.

"Someone who made sure we were all okay... even when she wasn't. She would've been an excellent pro..."

"MINETA THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Mikio picked her classmate up by his shirt with her other hand up as if she was going to smack him across the face.


"You KNOW you can do better than that. Be fucking smart with where you place your traps, you could've gotten out of that situation WITHOUT my help." she threw him back down to the ground.

"So you're not mad about-"

"Oh, I'm mad about it alright, and I'll definitely do something about it later." the look she gave him made him piss his pants.

"But what makes me even angrier is someone wasting their potential and then letting me do something they were fully capable of doing themselves."

"Was everyone's personal therapist..."

"I'm telling you Momo! Block his stupid ass. He's not worthy of a queen like you."

"And you, Kirishima. You should tell whoever that girl is that you like her. Life is fragile." she stroked his arm before getting up to bother Bakugo.

"Easier said than done..." he sighed as he turned his head and watched her wrestle with the ash blonde.

"...bought things we would like when she saw it."

"Oh, I almost forgot! Aoyama, I saw this cute cheese shop on I-Island, I thought you'd like it so I brought some home!"

"Oh, merci! You truly are wonderful."

"She instantly made our class feel like a whole family, a big reason as to why we are all close to each other."



"Alright then. FINAL DECISION." she sighed before starting the movie.

"We truly didn't deserve her..." he looked down.

"Smile for the camera, kids!" Aika smiled brightly as she held her phone up.

"Ow! You stepped on my toe, Neito!" little Zella complained.

"You're standing too close!" he said annoyed.

"It's been an honour to have get to known Zella. Our little family will miss her just as much as we loved her..."

He looked up to the rest of his class, each and every one of them holding their envelope close.

"But after all, grief is just love with no place to go."

"I love you so much my little Inazuma. Never forget that your father does too, no matter where he is."


"Yes, honey?"

Little Zella looked up to her mother with those big eyes of hers, squeezing her hand looking for answers.

"Will I ever see daddy again?"

"...Rest in peace, Micky. See you soon."

Iida walked off the stage to a round of applause that was soon replaced by a moment of silence. The class of 1-A went ahead to hug her family, giving the tinsiest bit of comfort to them all. They also handed her mother the envelopes in a little bag.

"Could you... put these in her room?" Jirou asked.

Kai looked over to his mother and smiled slightly, nodding and holding one of the opened envelopes close to his chest. "She'd love this..." he whispered.

The students and teachers went home that night, crying their eyes dry. They got the week off and for the entirety of it, they'd done nothing but mourn for her.

Mourn for me.

How they'd adjust to this new life. This traumatic experience, especially for Kacchan who could've been the one to die instead. It was all too scary.

But little did they know that I was closer than they thought. And I guess they'll just have to hold on a little while longer, this isn't goodbye after all.

I'm just taking the long way home.


Wait for me to come home

- Z. Mikio


(A/N: What was in those envelopes? Hint, look at the song Jirou and Zella were singing :) )

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