"I'm listening," Nicole said as she leaned onto her desk and picked up her short cup of green tea with a lemon slice.

"Sage is alive!"

Nicole almost choked on her beverage that she clanked the cup down and immediately covered her mouth.


She cleared her throat, "That is absurd!"

"I know. I sound crazy but her body wasn't in her grave," Morris spoke rushingly, "And I've been doing an investigation-"

"Wait, how do you know her body is not there?" Nicole reached for a napkin to wipe the splatter from her tea on the light pink sheer blouse she wore.

Morris sighed.

"Tell me you didn't do something illegal?" Nicole asked.

"Then I won't say, but tell me, the funeral parlour you hired for Sage's burial, do you still have their contact number or name cause I cannot recall it," Morris spoke, oblivious to Nicole's shock.

Nicole threw the napkin down and rubbed the back of her neck, an ache just formed as she listened to Morris, "Why would I remember?"

"Because you hired them," Morris pointed out.

"Mh, I'll have to check and get back to you," Nicole said nonchalantly.

"That's it?"


"No excitement for your daughter being alive?" Morris asked.

Nicole was the one to sigh this time, "I doubt she's alive. She died after labour, that's what the doctors said."

"Yes, what we were told but -"

"And we saw her body at the memorial, in the coffin," Nicole proceeds.

"Yes, but her remains are no longer there. How do you explain that?" Morris debated.

"Maybe you went to the wrong cemetery," Nicole lightly shrugged.

There was a pause before Morris spoke again, "Get me the details."

With that he hung up.

Nicole stared at her phone, a lot going through her mind. A lot of hows, whys and whens.

She then went to her contact list and searched for a number she hadn't dialed in years. She called it then waited.

"Serenity Funeral Home, how may we help?"

"Hi, I'm looking for Angela," Nicole spoke.

"Sorry but Miss Angela is out of town, may I help?" the young voice offered.

"No, I dealt with Angela so I'm looking for her. Do you have her private number?"

"Unfortunately ma'am, we cannot give out private numbers," the lady spoke.

Nicole grew irritated, "When will she be back?"

There was a pause, "Actually, today. May I take a message?"

"Tell her to call Nicole Woods immediately," Nicole then cut the call to sit back and shut her eyes.


"I can't believe you tricked me into staying at your mom's place for a whole week," Angela complained to her husband as she pushed a suitcase into the bedroom she shared with him.

"It wasn't that bad though," he responded, seated on his side of the bed removing his shoes.

"I guess but never again, or at least not in a year," she placed a hand on the vanity station to support her as she stood on one leg to remove her high shoe from the other.

Her husband chuckled, "If you say so," he stood up to take off his clothes, "I need a long ass shower."

"I will join you," Angela said as he disappeared into their bathroom.

She removed her watch then her earrings when she heard her phone ping. She placed the jewelry infront of the mirror then walked towards her handbag that was on the bed and searched for it.

She noted two missed calls from her assistant and a message. She accessed the text and furrowed her eyebrows. Her heart sped up a bit as she turned to go the bathroom that had steam pouring out.

"Baby," she called out with her eyes glued to the screen.

Her husband was humming a tune. He didn't hear his wife call him.

Angela looked up from her phone to see him lathering his body with soap, "Baby!"

He snapped his head towards her, "Mh."

"They know."

"What?" He asked, not stopping with his hand movement on his soapy body.

"They know!" Angela said louder.

He turned the water off and looked at his frightened wife, "What are you on about? Who knows what?" He was genuinely confused.

"Amos, they know about Sage."


A/N: Y'all remember Amos and Angela right ?

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