Chapter Twenty

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"So Pearl just left us?" Brandi asked, entering the lounge rolling two suitcases along.

Chelsea shrugged her shoulders from the couch she was seated on. She kept dialing Pearl's number, hoping she'd pick up to explain the text she sent earlier, "Apparently."

"I'd do the same if my man asked me to prolong our trip," Zoe said.

Marcus looked over to her, "You tryna go to another destination?" He smirked.

Zoe blushed, "Boy, stop playing."

"Who said I was," he rubbed his hands together whilst eyeing Zoe.

"We're done!" Zyaire ran in screaming.

"Damn boy! The whole of Bali don't need to know!" JP shouted and there were light chuckles filling the room.

Junior appeared after the last triplet, with much luggage that belonged to him and his sons.

"Let's go," JP stood up from one couch and got Sade off.

"We're waiting on the lovebirds," Trisha said.

"They'll find us en route," Marcus spoke, grabbing his belongings and heading out.

"Toya!" Trisha screamed out.

"We're here," Letoya said with a hint of irritation, "No need to scream."

"Thought you might not hear us because..." Trisha went quiet because of the look she received from her friend, "Anyway, let's head out. Our flight is in an hour."

"Where's Pearl and her man?" Letoya questioned as everybody left the villa they had spent a week in.

"Girl sent a text on some, 'I'm off to some exotic place with bae'," Zoe answered.

"When?!" Letoya further asked, giving her luggage to Wes to put in the boot of the car that came to collect them.

"This morning," Chelsea replied this time.

"Did you see her this morning or last night?" Brandi asked.

"No, did any of y'all?"

"No, well I didn't. I was getting it in," Zoe twerked low with her tongue out.

"Ooh, what?" Trisha faced her with interest, "How was it?"

Zoe imitated sealing her mouth and locking it to throw the key away.

"You're always in our business, you better share," Brandi said.

"Will you ladies get in the damn car!" JP stressed from one open door to the vehicle.

The girls snapped their heads towards him.

"Okay Mr Grumpy!" Zoe retorted back, "B, didn't you give your man some? He has been sour all morning."

"Aunt Ruby decided to pop into town today," Brandi giggled.

Zoe shaped her mouth into an O before laughing lightly.

"That bitch has no timing!" Trisha commented!

"Right." Brandi agreed.


"Hello," Nicole answered the call with an unfamiliar number, leaning back into the chair in her office to one of her boutiques.

"Nicole, it's Morris," his deep voice came through.

"Oh. Hi," Nicole wore a puzzled look, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I wanted to run something by you, or else I'll go insane," Morris responded.

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