11. Walks and cake

Start from the beginning

"Where are we going to?" Peter asks.

"Central Park"

"You sure we are allowed?"

"It will be fine besides I'm with you" I give him a smile.

"Okay" he smiles.

"I've never actually been to Central Park before, I've only ever seen it from my balcony"

"I'm honoured to be with you on your first trip to Central Park then" peter smiles.

"You have been with me for a lot of my first things actually"


"Yeah my first day of school, you where my first friend, you where with me for the first time I was away from avengers tower, you got my first dog with me"

"So much has happened in the last few months" he gives me a smile.

"Yeah it's crazy to think it's already November"

"Nearly Christmas!" Peter smiles and I laugh.

We walk up the stairs into Central Park. It's even more magical than I thought it would be and bigger.

People walked past us in their business suits. Some where running and some where sat on benches on the phone.

Max walks happily in front of us as we pass all the other people walking their dogs.

"It's so nice here" I smile.

"It's amazing in the summer, you can come sit on the grass"

"Really? We will have to come back in the summer"

"Yes we should bring a picnic with us" he smiles over at me and the distance between us soon vanishes until we are walking side by side.

After walking what seemed like 10 minutes but was actually 40 minutes we head back home. It was a good walk, Peter and I just talked about random stuff and decided we should make cake when we get back, max walked ahead not paying any attention to us except for when he walked further ahead and he'd look back to check we where still following him.

We soon arrived back at the house and walked inside. It was starting to feel like winter outside so when I walked inside the heating instantly warmed me up. I put my coat and shoes back in my room and grabbed my slippers.

"Want a hot chocolate?" Peter asks as I walk back into the kitchen.

"Yes please" I smile.

Everyone seemed to be asleep still, except for steve who was in the training room beating up the punching bag.

"Do you think it would be to early to watch a Christmas movie?" Peter smiles while we both sit and drink out hot chocolate.

"It's never to early to watch Christmas films"

"Want to make cake and then watch a Christmas film?"

"Chocolate cake?"

"Duh" peter smiles and we both laugh.

I get everything out we need to make the cake while Peter turns the oven on. We decided to use a box mix I found in the cupboard.

"Stop eating all the mixture" I turn to peter who has his finger in the batter. "Peter!" I shout when he flicks chocolate at me.

"Sorry" he lies. I can tell he did that on purpose.

I stuck my finger in the batter and throw it at his face and then smudge it around so he looks like his entire face was just dipped in the mix.

"You're a cake now" I smile a so pour the remaining mixture into the tin and putting it in the oven.

Once I put it in the oven, I turn to face peter who has a cheeky grin on his face until his hand rises and suddenly the space between us goes cloudy with flour.

"Peter you are so dead!" I try to grab him in the fog of flour but I just hear him laughing.

"You will have to catch me first" he runs to the other side of the counter and I chase after him but we just end up running in circles until I teleport in front of him and he tries to back up.

"Oh shit" he says while I put my hands on my hips and he slowly backs up until he hits the wall and I'm stood directly in front of him.

"Nowhere to run Parker" I grin.

"Why is there so much noise down here?" My dad comes rushing into the kitchen and peter and I turn to face him. "Oh god what happened?" He takes in our faces.

"We made chocolate cake" I smile.

"Was there any cake batter left to even make a cake because it seems like it's all over your faces"

"Oh my god" Nat walks into the kitchen and bursts out laughing. "You've both been busy"

"Yes" peter and I smile at them.

"We made cake and we are going to watch Christmas movies" I smile.

"You should probably go clean up yourselfs" dad says. "You look like you came out of Charlie and the chocolate factory"

- - - -

I get all the chocolate cake and flour of my face and head back into the kitchen to take the cake out the oven.

"It smells so good" peter walks in and stands next to me.

"Should we decorate it?"

"Yeah with chocolate icing?"

"Of course!" I smile grabbing the tub from the cupboard along with sprinkles.

"Will you quit eating everything" I look at peter with a spoonful of chocolate icing in his mouth.

"I can't help it" peter says with his mouthful. "It's so good"

"And it's supposed to go on the cake"

"There's plenty to go on the cake" he has chocolate covering his mouth.

I soon finish decorating the cake while Peter sits on the stool with the left over icing and a spoon.

"The cake is finished" I stand back from the cake like I'm in the bake off or something and peter comes and stands next to me.

It was very slanted and the icing was extremely messy but that's doesn't matter.

"Shall we cut it?" Peter asks.

"Or we could just grab the cake and some forks and go eat it in the living room with a movie"

"I like your idea better" Peter smiles grabbing us some forks from the draw and I take the cake through to the living room and placing it on the coffee table.

Peter turns the tv on before jumping on the couch next to me with a blanket.

"What Film you want to watch?" He asks.


"I love that film" peter smiles and puts the film on.

I grab the cake and sit it between us and we both have a fork so we just eat it straight from the plait. It tasted really good to say it was a box mix and peter ate most of the mixture.

"This is really good cake" peter smiles.

"You have chocolate all around your mouth" I laugh.

"Saving it for later"

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