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Avery : *In the bathroom throwing up* Ugghhh fuuck *Throws up some more*
Amber : *Walks in covering her nose, holding a glass of water* I'm not tryna catch watever you got! Here *Puts it on the bathroom counter, walks out*
Avery : *Flushes the toilet, rinses her face off, drinks the water & brushes her teeth, walks out* I been feeling shitty for the past couple of days man. Ima have ta go to the Dr.
Amber : You want me to come with you?
Avery : Yea can you drive cause i feel too sick..
Amber : Alright *Gets dressed*
*20 min later in the Dr's office*
Rae : *Comes in, see's every* :o heey!
Avery : *Looks, smiles* Wassup?
Rae : *Hugs her*
Amber : Umm, how yall know eachother?
Avery : Don't trip *Getting her blood pressure taken*
Rae : *Laughs, checks her temperature* Alright.. no fever & your blood pressure is fine. What are your symptoms?
Avery : Well i've been throwing up, My titties hurt, I gotta pee like every 15min
Amber : *Looking at her*
Avery : *Thinking about her symptoms*...
Rae : Ohkaaay..& whens the last time you had your period?
Avery : Huh?
Rae : Your last period...?
Avery : *Thinks about it* ...Um..idk..
Amber : Oh my god Avery! Your pregnant!! How is this even possible???
Avery : Amber calm down i can't be pregnant!...fuck! *her eyes water, she walks out of the Dr office
Amber : Avery wait! *Follows her* Talk to me! I'm your sister..
Avery : *Sits on the floor against the wall, covering her face crying*
Amber : *Sits next to her* Remember when we were little & you use to always dress up in mommy's clothes *laughs* & i was the one tryna fit in daddy's look at us.. i wonder if they up there thinking "Our children are so damn confused" *laughs a little*
Avery : *Laughs a little too*
Amber : Look.. whatever happened.. just know i'm here for you ok? & whatever you wanna do i'll back you 100%..
Avery : Idk what to do Amber..This wasn't suppose to happen..

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