Chapter 18: Sister-Exchange Event, Day 1

Start from the beginning

"Santa-Clara, get up here."

Spectator Viewing Area for the Event

"Lady Bonnfort. Welcome to the Jujutsu Technical 22nd-Annual Sister Exchange Event. Am I to assume you had a safe trip from France? Where are your brothers?"

"You assume correctly. I am sure Aldric is introducing himself to a student. not joining us today."

"The others will be here shortly. Speaking of the devil, Aldric Bonnfort, glad you made it!" Haruren embraces the dark-haired vampire.

"Greetings to you, Sir Gojo. I found them and can't wait to see what they bring to their showcase."

Aldric's fangs are hardly noticeable as his mouth opens. Fabrice Bonnfort closes her eyes, trying not to judge her brother too harshly. The rest of the seats slowly fill with more spectators.

Student Holding Area

I start pacing up and down the dimly light room when the first group of students is called to the field. The hot flashes, heart palpitations, and sudden urge to cry are out of place.

"Hey, do you want to talk about anything, Miss Blaise?"

"No. Just give me space so I can process what is going on with my mind. Thank you."

A quiet sigh escapes Nanami's lips while he drags himself to the t.v. monitor. The stove is turned off, Nutmeg is with the Ano family, and...

I jump out of my skin when the intercom goes off.

My heart threatens to beat out of my chest. The walls are slowly closing in on me, too! I put my hands on my knees, and stare at the floor.

Kiyotaka is rolled through the hallway, his right leg, broken from the patella to the ankle.

"Heal cleanly," I flash a smile, "I will visit you later." This makes him blush before passing out.

"Should not you be in the viewing area, playing host to the guests of honor? And where is Yaga-sensi?"

"How about you stop worrying about other people and head outside."

The Elder turns around and walks away. I send a silent prayer to my brothers, and involuntarily kiss the ground while heading outside.

Warning: mild swearing, violence, and blood ahead

The air in my lungs moves, uninhibited, as a gentle breeze caresses my face. A single curl covers my right eye like a blanket concealing a surprise. With my shoulders rolled back, chin in a neutral position, and face carrying a smile, I make my way to the middle of the field.

"Points are awarded by the number of attacks made toward your opponent. Killing is strictly prohibited! You can utilize the field and forest as you see fit."

Naoya and I have locked eyes, neither of us yielding. "Finally, incapacitation is an automatic victory. Any questions from either of you?"

Naoya and I both shake our heads.

"Your match starts now."

There is no doubt in my mind Naoya will try to pin me down, beat the living daylights out of me, and humiliate me. His piece of work father is watching, waiting for his heir to live up to expectations.

Five steps backward, two steps to my right, and freeze. Naoya mirrors me. He keeps his left foot pointed at me, and his right foot pointed at the forest. A quick escape stance, I admire this a lot.

"I will say Santa-Clara, you seem pretty adept at fighting. What is your secret?"

My right palm catches his left fist as I am kicked in the gut.

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