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JeongGuk was in the middle of fucking Taehyung, the male moaning out as he heard his phone chime out. He leaned over, picking the phone up. "J-Jeon-" "Shut up. Fuck," JeongGuk groaned out, losing his interest in Taehyung as he shoved the male's face into the mattress (the pillows were in the living room from their first session).

He thrusted into the male rougher, finally seeing the text that had chimed through his phone. It was an unregistered number in his phone, another chime coming through, almost making him chuckle.


i'm um..from waffle house..my friend got your number for me

not that i wanted it or anything!!

JeongGuk hummed, tossing his phone to the side. Seems like he'll have a little pet other than this routine fuck. And god, did JeongGuk hate routines.


Yoongi laid in bed, watching dumb videos on YouTube, letting out a small sound of surprise when he had gotten a text back.

Sorry. Was working out.

Yeah, i remember you. Short, black hair with a red shirt right?

Yoongi blushed as he read the texts. "I'm not short.." He mumbled to no one in particular, sending a text back.

Min Yoongi:
i'm not short, i'll have you know sir! i'm five feet and nine inches tall!

Short to me. I'm 6'1

Min Yoongi:
So I was way off by estimation when I saw you up close at the fight..

How tall did you think I was?

Min Yoongi:
maybe a inch or two taller..? i don't know..

Min Yoongi:
can i ask a question..? but i feel like it's really personal..



JeongGuk was at the gym, watching the male type on and off, lifting a weight before he switched, looking up at his reflection in the mirror. The music he was playing was blastic in his headphones, glancing at the almost empty gym.

He felt his phone vibrate in his hand, looking down at it.

Red Shirt:
was that guy your boyfriend?

JeongGuk snorted humorlessly. Boyfriend? Taehyung was in a pissy mood over a seat an this male thought they were dating?

Jeon JeongGuk:
no. a mere fling. i'm ending it though. he's not really my type anymore. no point in dragging it on.

Red Shirt:
oh..he seemed super into you though..

He snorted, though it was anything but funny to him. He glanced at the time, humming out as he started to wipe off the weight, setting it back on the rack before he picked up his bag.

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