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Yoongi was still fucking dumbfounded. JeongGuk was willing to be in a relationship. He frowned as he thought, jumping when SeokJin started to snap his fingers in the male's face. "Are you even listening to me?" "JeongGuk wants a relationship." "Congrats but I have bigger issues." "What could honestly be bigger than JeongGuk wanting to be in a whole relationship with me?" "Maybe his friend asking me out on a date?! You never listen to me."

"Jin, you'll end it anyway. They ask you out, you say yes,  they take you somewhere fancy cause you're a spoiled brat, then they take you home, asking for a second date, you giggle and give them a kiss goodnight with the promise of a second date and you never talk to them ever again." "Wow..you do listen to me." Yoongi only gave SeokJin a look before he sipped his juice.

"But if you really need to know, I told him no. I said I don't date fighters." "Obviously. You said they weren't your type." "But he is! That's the thing! I just wanna suck his dick so bad but you know how mom is cracking down on my ass!" SeokJin groaned out, Yoongi shaking his head. "You really need a filter sometimes." "Suck my dick okay? But seriously, he's so fucking attractive and you know his dick is huge-"

"Please stop saying that like you've seen it already." "I almost gave him a blowjob in the bathroom. So yeah..I've seen it." Yoongi only smiled and shook his head, feeling his phone start to vibrate in his pocket, knowing it was JeongGuk. SeokJin raised his brow, "Not answering?" "No. I think I'll play SeokJin today." "Don't you want a relationship with him though?" "I do, I really do but..I don't know. I guess it's just the way he worded it. It threw me off guard." 


JeongGuk stared at his phone as he was sent to Yoongi's voicemail, his face stoic for a moment. He rolled his shoulders as he thought to himself, putting his phone back in his pocket as Namjoon walked back to their table. "Beer." "Thanks."

The duo was silent, JeongGuk downing his beer in one go before he turned to Namjoon. "I told him I'm willing to date." "Who? Taehyung?" "Yoongi." "Oh. He's not up for it?" "Not sure. He's playing with me." Namjoon hummed, looking at the television above the bar, his gaze on the american football being played. "Try being more open with him JeongGuk. It's not that hard."

"Can't do that when he won't answering his phone." "Try his friend or whatever." "He has a roommate." "There you go. Use him as a pawn like you do with everything else. It should be easy enough." JeongGuk looked back down at his phone calling Yoongi once more, slowly becoming upset as he was sent to voicemail again. He hung up, tossing his share of money on the table. "I'm going. See you later." "Good luck JeongGuk."


"A date?" Yoongi asked, Hoseok nodding as he was petting Mickey. "He wants to take you somewhere nice." "Where is he?" Hoseok merely pointed down the hall, making Yoongi sigh out before he picked up Holly. "Thanks Hobi." He walked down the hall after Hoseok nodded, knocking on the frame of JeongGuk's door before he slid it open, finding the male reading a book. "Really? Using Hoseok to deliver your message?" "It'd help if you answered my calls and messages."

Yoongi sat Holly down, the dog running up to JeongGuk, the male petting him. "It just caught me off guard okay? I'm sorry, you tell me you don't do relationships and then you're willing to try for the two of us and I just-" Yoongi was caught off guard as JeongGuk had stood up and kissed him, his eyes fluttering closed as JeongGuk had held him close before he pulled away. "You're rambling." Yoongi only sputtered out, punching the male before he pulled away, "I-I was not!"

"Let me take you out Yoongi. Seokjin's father said it was fine. So let me try for us." Yoongi nibbled on his lip, delivering a small punch to JeongGuk's chest, turning to walk out the room. "Holly, come on. Let's go to bed." Yoongi stepped out, closing the door behind him before he looked away with a small pout. "We don't have to go anywhere fancy. But I do like lamb skewers so we can try that I guess."


JeongGuk laid in bed, flipping the page in his book before he looked to see his door slide open and seeing Yoongi. He was silent as the male stomped in and pulled his cover back. JeongGuk only raised his eyebrow as Holly had walked in and Yoongi laid down and pulled the covers on, patting the small spot between them. "Shut up, I couldn't sleep."

"Haven;t spoken a word til now." "Dim the fucking light too. It's so bright." "If I dim it, I can't read." "JeongGuk, it's fucking 2 in the morning. You should be asleep anyway." "Same to you Yoongi." "Will you be off tomorrow? I want breakfast in the morning." "Yeah. I got the next few days off." "Good. We're getting breakfast." "Of course. Anything you want." "Good."

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