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Yoongi could only look away while JeongGuk was fucking Taehyung, blocking out everything around him while he focused on a plant. The male needed to water it soon. He moved his gaze to the ceiling, trying to focus on anything except the view in front of him. His widened when he unexpectedly heard a wet choking sound, his breathing picking up.

"Yoongi, close your eyes." Yoongi didn't hesitate to do so, flinching when something touched him, quickly scooting back his chair roughly. He yelped, feeling something cold touch his wrists. "Don't move. I'm cutting you free. You can open your eyes." "I'd prefer to keep them closed." "He's over dramatic. I didn't choke him to death." "I just want to go home JeongGuk."


Yoongi sat in the bathroom, washing his hair. He stared at his reflection, rolling his eyes. He leaned over, rinsing his hair. He thought to himself, jumping as he blasted his ear with the water, cursing softly. Yoongi ran his hand through his hair, feeling for any bubbles before he turned the water off, feeling blindingly for his towel before be grabbed it. He wiped his face when he stood back up, nothing JeongGuk. "What are you thinking about?" "Nothing? Is it bad for me to think?" "Not at all. Am I not allowed to be curious about what you're thinking about?" JeongGuk walked in, closing the door behind him before he stepped up right behind Yoongi, resting his hands on the male's shoulders.

"No," Yoongi said softly, JeongGuk connecting their gazes. "You need to eat more," JeongGuk said, grabbing Yoongi's chin, making them look up to him. "Don't enjoy seeing my body?" Yoongi teased lightheartedly, whining out when he was flicked on the forehead. "Don't be ridiculous." Yoongi hummed, watching JeongGuk leave, moving to smooth in the conditioner. They had talked about what had happened; not that they needed to. They weren't even dating officially. Yoongi was grateful, sighing out as JeongGuk forced him to get a restraining order and file a police report.

He shook his head, placing his bangs in a roller, putting a hair cap on. He didn't feel like going to work, but knew he had to (he didn't even need to. The job was merely a hobby from all the money he still had from everything). He promised Jin that he'd take the male's shift, Jin having to go out of town with his father for some random company dinner he was being forced forced attend but if Jin was going, that meant JeongGuk too. He sighed and left the bathroom, walking to the living room, Hoseok brushing Mickey before forcing the dog into an outfit. "That's cute Hoseok. Where did you get it?" "You think so? I made it a few days ago. It's a bit baggy on him though."

"No way. You have to make Holly something." "I can make him a hoodie if you want." "I'd like that. Are you doing anything tomorrow?" "I'm seeing my sister and my family for a few days. Didn't I tell you?" "Sorry, I've must've forgot. Sorry I'm a bad roommate." "Nah. I'm just glad we're not smothering each other. That's what I prefer." Yoongi only smiled, nudging his shoulder into Hoseok's, "I'm serious though." "Me too. You're like the perfect roommate. Except for the other night." Yoongj blushed before he giggled, "Sorry. I won't let it happen again." "No issue. Just warn me next time so I can watch something that's loud."


JeongGuk followed behind Mr.Kim, feeling suffocated. He eyed women that had came over and tried to talk to him, not giving them any satisfaction before they moved to Mr.Kim. "You'll get used to it you know. They just like to have some rich looking arm candy. Some even might be doing Dad too." JeongGuk looked at SeokJin, the male walking beside him as he followed his father. "I don't like your father. I'm only doing this for Yoongi." "You know, I didn't expect you and Yoongi to hit it off."

JeongGuk was silent, a female in a too low cut dress clinging to Mr.Kim as her chest had threatened to pour out. "We're not dating. Yoongi understands that." "He may not say anything about his feelings all the time but he likes you. I know him like the back of my hand. My mother only disapproves because she caught me and Yoongi making out or something." JeongGuk felt his hand twitch, casting a short glance to SeokJin, "Don't say that again. Excuse me." Yoongi walked up to the female, "Ma'am, I have to escort Mr.Kim to a meeting. Do excuse us."

The female only pouted, grabbing onto JeongGuk's arm, "Then you can keep me company?" "I don't-" "Of course he can. He's been working all night! JeongGuk, take it. Mi-yeol, take him to your room. Give him the full treatment and I'll give you that diamond necklace you've always wanted." The girl only squealed from excitement, pulling JeongGuk along. "I can't wait to have fun! Make sure to tell Mr.Kim I did a good job!"

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