Two: Campfire

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Bell's POV:
"Wow! I'm so happy you all wanted to stay with me!" Four announced, clearly pleased with our loyalty. "Of course, Fourty-Four! We wouldn't leave this show for the world!" Leafy exclaimed, and some of the others nodded. We were walking away from that Two guy. They just expected us to come to their show without knowing anything about them!

Four smiled at us, "I'm just surprised you all chose me over their power! I was worried you'd want that more than a BFB..." They were holding X's hand while walking, and X looked up at them. "Four, you shouldn't doubt yourself so much! They all want to be on your show!" We all agreed, and Four laughed, "Thank you guys!"

"Of course, Four! You're a wonderful host. I'm sure Two would've been awful!" I exclaimed. I was glad nobody switched. Two to me. The way they were so eager to get people to follow them...I might be overthinking, but it freaked me out.

We arrived back, and Four decided that the challenge should be delayed. "I think we need to wait a while, just in case Two comes back!" That made sense, we didn't want them interrupting again. Four and X walked off, leaving us to relax for a while.

Everyone mostly stayed with their team, sitting on the grass and talking. I spotted Taco sitting alone, so I decided to go talk to her. I floated over to where she sat on the grass, and I noticed she looked sad. "Oh! Hey, Bell," She smiled and waved. "Hey, Taco! You look lonely, are you okay?" She looked down and shook her head, "Oh, it's nothing...I've just been thinking..." I lowered myself on the ground next to her, "About what?"

She looked around, and lowered her voice as if she didn't want anyone to hear. "Well...Two's power. You could do a lot with that, y'know?" I gasped, but still spoke at the same volume she was. "Taco, are you saying you want to join their show?" She put her hands up in front of her, "Of course not! I'm just saying...what would happen if we did? They're offering ultimate power, be honest, I don't even know what a BFB is."

She was right. None of us even knew what the prize was, and powers did seem really cool, We couldn't abandon Four like that. Plus, I still didn't trust Two at all. I shook my head, "Taco...we have to stay with Four. I mean, we don't know anything about this new guy! For all we know, he could be...a bunch of weasels in a costume!" I said, trying to lighten the mood. A smile crept on her face, and she chuckled. "I guess you're right, but...I just can't stop thinking about it." She looked at the ground, and I nudged her. "Hey...let's go with the others. Maybe it'll get your mind off of it!"

I got up and gestured over to my team. I knew her team wasn't always very nice to her, so I thought she'd like to be with mine for a little bit. I knew Book was getting better, but still...either way, I wanted to spend time with her. She got the message, and walked with me. "Thanks..." She said awkwardly, a pink tint dusting her cheeks. I looked at her, a bit confused, but brushed it off. When we got close enough to the team, Foldy waved. "Oh, I'm glad you guys are here! Wanna play rock paper scissors with us?" Her, Stapy, and Marker were all in a circle as usual. I was about to agree, but then I remembered...rock paper scissors is a pretty limb-centered game. "Oh, well I might have to sit this one out..." I said, and Stapy nodded. Four had let the eliminated contestants back temporarily, since the show wasn't technically going on.

"That's alright. How 'bout you, Taco? Wanna play?" He grinned playfully, and she sat down in the circle with them.

"Sure, I'll play a few rounds. I'm really good, though, so don't be surprised when I win!" She challenged.

He laughed, "Well, we'll see about that!"

I happily watched them play. Taco wasn't lying- she won the majority of the rounds. Stapy did win a good amount, though. It was actually pretty entertaining.

A bit of time passed, and it was getting dark. In the distance, we saw Four and X walking towards us, a slight blue and yellow glow surrounding them. They always had this...warm, comforting aura around them. Even though Four was a bit weird, and unfair at times...they weren't a bad host at all. I knew they were trying their best, and it made me happy to see them doing what they love.

They had a beaming grin on their face. "Everyone! X had a wonderful idea!" They grabbed everyone's attention, and X looked away, flustered. Their cheeks became a bright orange, and they fidgeted with their fingers. "Well, it was really nothing..." They said, and Four shook their head. "Oh, stop being so humble!" They cleared their throat, and turned to us once again. "X had the idea of a campfire!"

Four snapped their fingers, and eight logs of wood appeared on the ground in a circle shape, and a pile of wood spawned in the middle. "Everyone, sit with your teams! We're going to have so much fun!" They exclaimed.

Taco looked dissapointed that she had to go back to her team, but she smiled and waved goodbye to us. We waved back, and she walked over to the log her team was sitting. Our team went too, and soon everyone was sitting around the fire- er...the pile of sticks. Firey realized there was no flames, and he grinned, walking over and sitting down in the middle. Everyone laughed at that, and Four chuckled as well. "I...forgot to add the fire, but this is much better!" They stood in front of the citcle, while X sat on the grass next to them.

It was nice, being together like this...not having to worry about getting eliminated or anything. It felt welcoming, like we were a community. I felt like we were all included in something important, something special. I felt so warm and happy, seeing all of us together...but then, I felt a tug on my string. It wasn't much, just enough to be noticable. I looked up, but I didn't see anyone.

Suddenly, a wave of pain rushed into my head and I squeezed my eyes shut. I tried not to ruin the moment for anyone around me, but it hurt so much. The pain went away as quick as it came, and when I opened my eyes...

The warm, comforting feeling was gone. It was replaced with a cold, dark feeling of nothing but emptiness. I felt completely hollow, like all my emotion had been washed away and replaced with a blank slate. It was almost like I wasn't someone had replaced me even knowing.

I...wasn't upset about it, though. It wasn't a bad sensation...actually, it was nice- I...loved it. It was freeing, in a way. Not having to feel anything. I wasn't sure exactly what caused it, but...I hoped it wouldn't go away. A giggle escaped my lips, and Fries turned to me. "What're you laughing at?" he asked, and I simply shook my head. I didn't know how to explain it to him.

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