Chapter 2: Oliver and Balto

Start from the beginning

The wolf-dog swatted Oliver with his tail, a smile gracing his face. Oliver continued to laugh as a strong gust of wind flew by them making them shudder. Oliver then looks back at the track again. He watched as Rosie's hat flew off her head and landed in the middle of the road. He watched her try to lunge for it but Jenna held her back with her teeth.

"Balto, fetch!" Oliver yelled, pointing at the hat. Balto immediately looked down the track and caught the sight of the hat. He jumped off the railing and raced into the middle of the road just as Steele and his team flew by. Balto, seeing as he wasn't going to make it in time with the pace Steele had set, picked up his own speed. Determination sky high, he sped past the husky and his team, ignoring all the shocked gasps and stunned gazes. The wolf-dog jumped in front of Steele, grabbed the hat with his teeth, before quickly jumping past the finish line and to the sidelines.

From his spot, Oliver shouts at the top of lungs, "Yes! That's my dog! That's Balto! Oh YES!"

Oliver raced down with Felicity and John behind to Balto. "Good boy, Balto! That's a very good boy!"

Balto smiled in glee as Oliver showered him with compliments and petting. Rosie ran up beside the man, jumping up and down excitedly. Balto gave her the hat and she continued to bubble with happiness as she placed it on her head. She began to copy Oliver's action and love all over the wolf-dog.

Jenna walked up beside with an amazed smile as she gazed at Balto. The wolf-dog looked away bashfully, walking behind his sort-of-owner and nuzzling his way under his arm and stood with his head held high on his shoulders. Oliver grinned at him and Rosie continued to nuzzle the wolf-dog lovingly.

"Thank you for doing that." Jenna said, amazement still in her eyes. Balto pinned his ears back but continued to smile.

"I-It was nothing." Balto replied, titling his head to the side. His eyes drooped when Rosie began scratching behind his ear. He leaned into the touch, making Oliver snort and Jenna laugh.

"Rosie, get away from him!" The girl's father shouted, rushing up worriedly. The red-headed look up at her father with confusion.

"But why?"

"He might bite ya, Honey. He's part-wolf." The man said, trying to get his daughter away from the now sullen wolf-dog. Jenna pinned her ears back at her owner's words, gazing at Balto with sympathy.

Balto stood up with a frown on his face. "I would like to respectfully disagree with you, sir. I have been with Balto a lot now these days. It's common knowledge now. He has never once made a move to bite me. You shouldn't discriminate him because of his heritage. It's not like he had a choice in the matter." Oliver said.

The man frowned at him annoyance before taking his daughter and leading him away.

Balto looked up at his companion with a big grin. Oliver stared down at him with the same grin. "We gotta stick together, pal. We're best friends."

Balto barked in happiness to hear this. John and Felicity tell Oliver that they need to go to the Bunker and prepare. Oliver crouched down to pet Balto on the head. "I'll see you later, Balto."

Then Oliver and his friends start to walk away.

Jenna continued to smile as Oliver left. "I'll see you later too, Balto. Maybe we can talk later."

The wolf-dog nodded eagerly and Jenna walked away, going off to find her owners.

Balto turned around, fully prepared to journey to his home where he'd tell Boris about his day but the wolf-dog ran into Steele. Immediately, his mood dampened. He probably hasn't made the best impression on the husky by unofficially winning the race.

"What do you think you were doing, Half-Breed?" Steele questioned as his lackeys came up behind him.

"Yeah! What do you think you were doing?!" Star repeated, making everyone, including Balto, roll their eyes.

"I was just getting Rosie's hat. You would have trampled it." Balto explained calmly.

"How do you know?" Steele questioned heatedly.

Dryly, Balto answered "You were running straight for it. I had to jump in front of you to get the hat."

Steele reeled back from the answer before growling. "Why did you do it?"

"Oliver Queen told me." Balto answered, smiling faintly at the name.

Steele scoffed. "That human is a freak."

Anger was immediately coursing through Balto and he step forward into Steele's personal space. He shoved his snout into the husky's face and said "Oliver is not a freak. You can call me whatever you please, but my human is off limits. Do you understand?"

Steele muttered a 'why-you' before getting ready lunge. He reeled back, yet again, when an arrow almost hit Steele unexpectedly. All the canines looked to the side and saw the Green Arrow standing by.

"I see you, fools!" He called over to them

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"I see you, fools!" He called over to them. The huskies began backing away at the famous vigilante hero.

"That's right. Run away. Fear me." Green Arrow said in dark disguised voice. The huskies began trotting away silently, shaking off the fear of the encounter. Balto then looks at Green Arrow who looks at him with a compassion look.

"Take care." Green Arrow said as he unleashed a grappling arrow and flew away. Balto watched and smiled knowing Oliver's not only one who cares about him.

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