Jae <3
Ok that does kinda help
Thanks hehehe
Ill see you later 🤩

Nayu <3
See you Jae !

"Ok I got some info now help me decide!" She said to Kunhang as she tossed her phone to him.

He nodded as she began to pick clothes from her closet. Hyunjae's brain was working at lightning speed. She had a couple outfits in mind but she wasn't sure if they would look the way she wanted. After much back and fourth she narrowed it down to three outfits.

"Okay so we have three options, each one is interchangeable with a skirt if needed. But tell me what you think," she smiled hanging up the combinations.

Kunhang looked at them all. Of course they all looked good but there was one that definitely stood out amongst the rest of them.

"Definitely the middle one," he said giving her a thumbs up.

"Really you think so? I was leaning towards this one too but I wasn't sure if I should go with the pants or a skirt," She said putting back the two other outfits back into her closet.

"Definitely pants. It completes the look in my opinion."

Hyunjae smiled agreeing, "Thank you my fashion advisor."

He laughed at the sudden new title, "I should be calling you that. Speaking of which how's your little shop doing?"

"Good. I'm starting to make clothes for other people. Commissions if you will. I had someone ask me to make her a custom birthday dress so we'll see how it goes," She smiled happily.

Hyunjae's shop was doing immensely well. Not only that but now she was doing custom pieces for people and even small side jobs at school. Like designing the theatre department's set for one of their plays. She loved every bit of it.

"Next step biggest fashion designer in the world right?" He asked with a smile.

She sighed, "If only it were that easy. I've applied for a few internships. Nothing yet though."

"I thought you wanted to be your own boss," he asked confused.

"Well yeah but I gotta start somewhere," She pointed out while checking the time on her phone, "You know meet some people, make connections, and then dip and start my own fashion brand."

"Cunning, I like it," he nodded agreeing.

It wasn't cunning to her, unfortunately it was how most industries worked. If she wanted to become her own boss she'd have to climb her way up by any means necessary. Another way to do so was to be discovered by another artist or get celebrities to wear her clothes and promote her. But she felt that it was too easy that way plus some influencers and celebrities just wanted free stuff. She'd rather not take chances that way.

"I'm gonna head out. Sicheng and I are gonna go to a party," Kunhang said standing up to stretch.

"Ohhh a party? Where?" She asked intrigued.

They both hadn't been to a party in a while.

"Sicheng said that Lucas told him it was at a frat house on campus. Something about the party of the century I don't know."

"Sounds fun! You ready to mingle?" She asked teasingly.

He shrugged, "Not really interested. But I mean If I see someone intriguing why not."

"Nice," she smiled giving him a thumbs up, "You know who to call if you need any fashion advice."

He nodded, "will do!"

Wannabe // NCT College AUWhere stories live. Discover now