Epilogue: New beginnings

Start from the beginning

I don't know how he managed to find someone like that, and quite frankly, I don't think I want to question it. The important thing is... well, not the training, or the learning, or the practicing. It's the safety.

It's the not having to constantly look over my shoulder. The knowing I'm going to have a meal at night and a roof over my head. Rhenyan said, at a minimum, to not take more than 6 months to get here. The stress would start to catch up around now, and that's when mistakes were made. I can't afford to make mistakes.

Another part of these terms was absolute protection, no matter what happened. When I read those words, I immediately assumed this excluded anything council related, but a few paragraphs later, I was so astounded at the words that I almost tore the page out by accident.

Franco can deter even the council. Use him next if you're in trouble, anticipating trouble, if you suspect your test is coming up, or if it's near your time limit. Don't be afraid to experiment with his supplies. Nobody there will ever report, and their memories will be locked immediately against the council any time they see anything related to Soul Magic.

I don't want to think about what Rhenyan had to do to find someone like this. To have protection against even the council? That's just...

Term 3 is the only other limiting term - I have 3000 amulets at my disposal. Once I'm out, he won't supply anymore, regardless where I am in my training. Although I don't see how that's a real limit. Each amulet can hold a dragon's worth of energy. I'd have to be practicing spells day and night to go through that much energy in two years.

The rest of the terms are along the same lines, but more specific - basically I have a limited amount of energy and a limited amount of time, and everything else is unlimited.

"I'm well aware of the terms, sir."

His smile widens. "Sir! I like you already. Come on in!"

I walk through the door with his arm around my shoulders as if we were best friends. I try to relax a bit, though I'm sure this man is used to getting stressed visitors. Or is he? Does he do this often? He seems awfully prepared to only get a couple stragglers. And awfully hidden. 

"I'll give you the grand tour after dinner. I'm sure you're hungry! Unless you'd rather eat and go straight to bed! Either option would be understandable!"

I can't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. "I can take the tour tonight, if it won't get in your way, sir."

"Not at all! Come! Sit down! Make yourself at home!"

He snaps his fingers as I take a seat at a table that could likely fit 50 people. A young servant girl hurries to the side of the table, does a small curtsy, and then reaches for my bag. Unconsciously my hand snakes out and grabs her wrist. She jumps and squeaks as she looks up at me with wide eyes.

"I- I'm sorry, ma'am, I was just going-"

Mr. Franco is at my side immediately, his energy slicing smoothly between my fist and her arm. He shoots the girl away with some empty words as he smiles at me.

"We'll have to lay down some ground rules." He says with an encouraging nod. I take a deep breath as I scoot my chair in, hooking my foot around the strap of my bag and sliding it under the table. A couple moments later, a young man comes into the room with a silver platter in each hand. His body moves expertly as he sets each one in front of me and whips off the silver tops to reveal a a steak still sizzling with a side of red potatoes and krel. My mouth starts watering the moment the smell hits me. It smells divine, like nothing I've ever smelled or tasted before. And apparently it shows on my face, as Mr. Franco chuckles and pats my back.

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