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What? "What do you mean?"

He shakes his head. "I mean, I don't think the Master Energy likes you."

"What does that even mean?"

He shakes his head slowly. "I can't be certain of it. But that's what it feels like." His eyes flash dimly. "When I use the Master energy, the only thing I really feel is anger. Lots of anger. Doesn't matter if I'm looking at an ally or an enemy; it's angry at everyone. But with you..." he glances down the hallway, then looks at me. "It really doesn't like you. The moment it saw you... it felt like it was asking me to do something, and though I couldn't understand it, I knew it couldn't be good. Not with how much its anger spiked when it saw you."

"But... why would it be mad at me? I haven't done anything!"

Rhenyan shakes his head. "As I said, I can't be positive about almost anything. But I think maybe it has to do with your magic."

"My magic? What, did it feel threatened by me or something?" I want to laugh at the idea.

"I- I don't know. Maybe. All I know is it's always been angry, but it was furious around you, and that's the only thing I can think of."

It's mad at me just because I'm a Soul Mage? "But wait, haven't you met other Soul Mages before?"

"Well, yes, but in my time they're all controlled by the council or dead. I've never used the Master Energy near a Soul Mage."

But why is it angry...

Rhenyan sighs. "I've had these powers for almost 9 years and I still know virtually nothing about them. There's no book on any history of anyone mastering any kind of magic, at least not since the Ancients were created, and there are only a few stories about them. Nothing concrete." He opens his palms to the ceiling in a kind of shrug. "I wish I could tell you more. I wish I knew more. But there's nobody to ask about this, and it's really too dangerous to test anything."

"I guess so." I say absently. Why would his energy hate Soul Mages? Who is the energy from? When he used it before... it sounded like there was someone else in there. That's who's mad at me. Not him.

Rhenyan moves around the table and sits on the other half of the couch. "I'm sorry if I upset you. I didn't mean to. I just..." he sighs again. "This kind of power is great when I need it. When we're in trouble and have no other way out. But around people who don't know it, it can very easily turn into a catastrophe. I don't really see when I'm using it. It controls me most of the time. The only time I could really control it was the first time I used it, when I Mastered. Since then, it's been almost unbearable. Yes, it's a ton of power, and yes it can do a lot of good, but it can do a lot more bad right now. Until I really learn how to use it." He looks at me. "I guess... I thought that distancing myself would make you safer."

Instantly my heart starts pounding while my stomach clenches. A million thoughts run through my brain, none of which I can hold onto. I wrap my arms around my legs to give him a bit more room on the couch. One thing I do know is that I'm glad he's talking again.

He gestures to the plate of food sitting untouched. "You need to eat. We're going to need all the energy we can manage when we see Fernanda."

My stomach very much wants to argue with the thought of food, but I look down at my plate anyway. I look back up at him.

"What is it again?"

He smirks, and I swear my heart is going to explode. "It's called a taquito. Back on Earth it's fairly common. It means 'small taco.'"

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