FLUFF- loki X Reader - Big News

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Blood trickled down my fingers as i picked at them nervously. All day i had cooped myself up in lokis room. Dont get me wrong, the splendid views of asgard from a prince's balcony are breath taking. But the thunderous beat of my heart could be calmed by nothing.

And now, minutes away from my prince's return, I'm an anxious, shaking mess.

It started 3 weeks ago.

Morning sickness. Head aches, cravings. Most importantly, clingy to loki. I was jealous at every glance he gave another being. Constantly wanting to be near him. Feel his warmth. Kiss his lips or play with his hair. I felt like i was going insane. And  now it all makes sense.

Late yesterday evening i visited agneta, our chief healing nurse. I told her my symptoms, and she smiled coyly. I lay down on a metal table, and she scanned my stomach, showing me my pip sized, growing baby.

And as the door handle rattled, and loki walked in, i was stunned as to what to say.

"my, darling you look like you've seen a ghost," he smiled, wrapping me into a hug.


"what? What is it- are you okay?"

I began to tear up, but gently grabbed his hand, placing it on my belly.

"what are you d-" he stopped, looked to his hand, as his jaw hung open.


I nodded.

"by the norns, its a miracle!" he bellowed, wrapping me up, spinning me around.

I was flooded with joy at the elated prince, who now peppered my face with kisses.

"loki stop- stop," i chuckled, swatting him away.

He pulled me in for a passionate kiss, before lacing his fingers with mine.

"our child, will be the most beautiful thing to ever grace the nine realms, alongside its stunning mother. Let asgard know the news of its future heir. No longer shall this miracle be kept a secret," he smiled.

"i love you darling," i chuckled.

"and i love you both too,"

marvel smuts and imaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz