Peter Parker X Reader- Stark Towers

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I sat beside tony, fixing his latest suit and developing plans for his next world wide economic suistainilty. Being a playboy genius, he had serveral ideas. One, being another suit. Not for him, but for a friend.

Only when his "friend" walked in, did i wish that my hair was not scooped into a messy bun.

"Peter parker," he greeted cheerfully.

"y/n l/n" i smiled.

"nice to see you again mr stark,"

"you too kid," tony replied, allocating a seat for Peter between the 2 of us.

"so y/n will take your measurements and jarvis will begin programming the suit into the mainframe hardware," tony explained.

We nodded, and peter followed me to the designing room.

"i apologise if this is uncomfortable" he said.

"no no! Its fine, its my job," i laughed, measuring his waist.

After taking measurements of him to fit the suit, we sat on the sofa.

"watch a movie until i return, im going to start the session," stark called from the other room.

Peter and i sat on the couch, before putting on (your fav movie).

"are you cold?" he asked gently, putting his hand on my leg.

I nodded, and he pressed my head into his shoulder. He smelt sweet and delicate as i leanes further against him.

"i had no idea you liked this movie," Peter said.

"oh yeah, its my favourite,"

"no way me too!" he laughed.

As the movie propgressed, his hand ran through my hair, and lulled me slowly to sleep.

Hours later, stark found us in that compromised position, before taking a photo.

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