Tony Stark X Avenger Reader - Help Me- Fluff

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Warnings :none

It seemed like another regular day. The world in need of saving, and the avengers called to pursuit. But when i got a call from Tony, i was singularly confused. It went like this

Stark 😳: y/n could you come to my office?

Me:why? Are you okay?

Stark😳: youll see when you get here.

Although i was confused, it was obvious to say that i had a crush on him. Ever since pepper left him wed grown closer each day. He would invite me over for food or to talk with the avengers about new threats. Although i mostly enjoyed aiding him in building new suits. Id be in tears of laughter at his quips to jarvis, or his sly comments to steve or thor.

I relished in it as he showed me the cctv footage of loki being pummellled to the floor by bruce. It was hilarious, and he thought so too.

The only downside is, i think tony sees me as family. I think his hugs are more affectionate than romantic. And that hurts me. But id rather have him here than loose him completely.

As i turned up at stark towers i used his private elevator to go to his office. There i found him sipping coffee at his desk as he spoke to jarvis.

"no jarvis, i dont find her attractive!" he laughed.

I cleared my throat and he became somewhat awkward before standing up to hug me.

"hello y/n, decided to turn up?" he smirked.

"i needed to go shopping so im running late,"

"fine by me prettty lady," he chuckled.

"so what did you need help with?"

He went quiet.

"im alone,  y/n," he sighed, turning away from me.

I placed a comforting hand on his back and rested my neck on his shoulder.

"tony, im here,"

No, you dont get it, she left me because I'm not good enough! " he shouted, shuffling away from my touch.

" tony, your everything a woman could want! "

" what, cas im rich? "

" no, because your caring, hilarious, and all around amazing guy,"

"and who would possibly want to date a guy like that? Hm?" he spat.


He silenced immediately. I could see him thinking before he walked over to me.

"im so sorry y/n" he whispered, before placing a gentle kiss to my lips. It was short and sweet, but soon replaced by a hug.

He didnt leave my side that was a night of cuddles, confesions, and candy.

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