Vision X Reader - Robot

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It was a typical day at the avenger headquarters. Arguing. Laughing. Fighting. And the few of us who were so tired, we couldnt be bothered to move. That featured of me and stark, slumped on the sofa.
Then there was thor, cap and rocket arguing. Nat and bruce flirting, and wanda off fighting in hong kong with strange.

That left vision to be the mediator.

"if you could all refrain from hurting eachother-"

"shut up robot head," rocket spat, jumping on thors back.
The fighting continued so i pried my self from the sleeping tony, walking out onto the balcony.

I watched the cars go by and breathed in the fresh air as i heard the doors open.

"what is it?" i sighed.

"i didnt mean to disturb you, my apologies," vision said, joining me on the balcony.

"as long as you dont physco - analyse me you can stay,"

"i dont feel human emotions therefore that is not possible," he stated.

"vision, you and i both know that is a lie" i laughed.

I turned to face him, moving closer to his body.

"if you had no emotions, your breathing wouldn't be ragged right now," i smirked.

"that is a normal bodily response around a beautiful woman," he stuttered out.

"aha! You do have emotions," i smirked.

Despite his serveral months of protest, i had finally figured him out.

"why did you turn down wanda then?" i questioned.

"shes not my type i suppose,"

"then who is?"

"thats a silly question, you already know," he sighed.

"no i dont, who's your crush?"

"its not a crush, its a bodily response of nervousness, and a desire to be near them,"

"okay who is it clever pants?"

"i suppose, despite my several weeks of denial, it is you," he sighed.

I turned to him in disbelief.

"you like me back?"

"i suppose i do reciprocate romantic feelings, yes," he chuckled.

"and is this true?? Not a prank," i asked.

"true, yes. Quite true," he admitted, clasping his hand over mine.

I knew he wasnt heartless.

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