Chapter 24- Do we really attack this often

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It has been now roughly 4 days since starting Oboro has settled in whilst Touya is more or less the same. Still very sceptical and anxious not that he would tell anyone that. He has made great "acquaintances" with his deputy at Hot Topic.... Tokoyami and Dark shadow (they definitely don't play mario kart and just dance together every other night and definitely don't try seances even though Dabi is sure that the devil already walks among them). Yep couldn't be them.

If you peephole wondering about the reason behind them being called "acquaintances" it is because Dabi doesn't have any friends but let that not fool you he hangs out with Tokoyami when Oboro is out talking and actually socialising or if he's not with his feathered friend he is with Mr Anger management himself. Although Bakugou and him will never admi to it as when they hang out its always in a form of a competition.

Still no one had figured out Dabis quirk; he had kept it under wraps. Surprisingly Oboro managed not to tell anyone. Aizawa had decided to go back to the USJ... great idea you know. Nothing could go wrong no traitor in Class 1-a now is there. Imagine betraying your friends could never be like Sangwoo did in Squid game. (Fuck him anyways...). They single filed onto the bus each taking a seat next to someone close or somewhat knew. Kirishima next to a Bakugou who were suspiciously holding hand not that Dabi noticed. His mind slowly drifted off to a happier place until someone shook him practically begging for some attention.

"So Dabi what do you think?" A certain obnoxious blue head asked

"Awesome great..."

"I asked if you were willing to go in a pink dress and eat some puppy's."

"What... no jeez. What the fuck?!"

"You weren't paying attention." Oboro pouted

"In my defence you don't stop talking so I naturally thought about my pressing matters."

"What like?"

The red head unfolded his arm uncovering a nasty looking burn almost as if someone had run a finger along it. "My dad gave this to me just before my 17th birthday... I think we are ageing."

The cloud user instead of being shocked smirked, "yeh you we're definitely think about that. Then why were you blushing..."

"I don't know what your talking about."

"Pretty boy?"

"Why do you assume it's a boy." Touya went as red as his hair,

"Darling you scream gay or raging bisexual," His friends smile contorted into one a villain would be scared off, "Plus your as red as a tomato."

"I hate you." But he sighed and smiled, "Tenseii."


"You sleep talk. Only perk of it is a get blackmail.!

This time Oboro went scarlet and turned to the window. The bus ride was silent as they pulled up to the dome. They went single filed in through the glass door. Well 1-A single-filed at least so it was more of a moving black hole.

The USJ was mostly fixed and updated to have a ruin sight where they trained with falling building and rumble against each other. This however would just be a Monday for the kids as they all walked to the central area to be paired of for sparring.

Yes these idiots had decided the USJ would be safe.... not like it had already been attacked. Oh wait a second it has been. Uraraka and Dabi were an odd pair to be put together but alas here they were in middle of a forest about to fight/spar. Oboro was with Mineta over on the mountains bit (actually they were both still hiking up because neither wanted to run).

"So... Shimo right?"

Touya sighed, "Yes."  He took of his blue jacket revealing a tank top.

"Why did you join Yuuie?"

"Didn't have a choice?  Now let's begin."

"Actually can we go to the store or something."

"What are villains going to attack so you need to go in the middle of training?" Touya said jokingly but instead got a nervous laugh and a wave. He raised an eyebrow. Touya just sat down clearly giving up and lay down. She probably wasn't lying... why would she tell him. So that he would runaway? Yep that's probably why?

"You need to run." Ochaka whispered.

"Nah. I'm tired anyways I'll just sleep it out."

"No go."

The red head sat up and before he managed to even form a word the windows smashed and the glass ceiling broke shattering into thousand of pieces. "It's morning though." The boy flopped in the ground.

"It's 2pm?"

"It's morning though." He repeated.

"Actually it's afterno-"

"It's morning somewhere." He hissed and rolled onto  his stomach giving the illusion he was somewhat dead.

The brunette just stood there. What would she do now? The thought brushed past her rather like a knife... actually a knife had just past her neck. Her eyes widened. Oh shit.

"Hello Ochako-chan." A Cheshire Cat smirk emerged from the shadows, "this feels familiar."

Uravity freezes and looks into the cat eyes. She swallows.

"Not saying anything back?" The voice sounded kinda hurt- thought Dabi as he rolled onto his back. "Did I do something?" The voice was even more panicked. Omg it's Toga!

"Babe?" Babe?

"Omg! You and you... eeeek." Touya jumped to his feet catching the attention of both girls. "Hehe..." he swallowed.

Togas eyes widened for two reasons: numero uno because that was the boy she transformed into and two they had just been caught.

"Whelp I'll just leave your secret is safe with me. Go lesbian be yourselves."

"Actually I'm- never mind thank you Shimo." The other hero in trainer said bowing. "Come on Himi."

"Wait I recognised you." Toga stated before getting dragged away by the other girl. Why because they missed date night because of a locked down along with being on opposite sides so they could hardly hang out. Uraraka wouldn't be missing this moment even if there was 10000000 yen on the line.

The boy stood there hmm... I wonder how the others are doing.


Sorry I left this book for so long I've just been juggling a lot... I'll try get back to this book every other week or every 3 weeks I'm so sorry

Anyways I'm back :)

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