Chapter 12- Interview

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The room was silent and the pair was biting there lips trying not to laugh. It was the most obvious lie in the world but somehow it was logical. I mean they did look identical who had both died at 17. Plus it didn't help that when there blood was tested it proved that they were in fact related to Touya and Oboro parent's. However the officer was the only one to know that. More on that fact the police had removed Oboro and Touya's whole database... it was as if they never had existed. Only a select few knew about them due to the fact heroes couldn't make a blunder so that they never made mistakes meaning the two accidents that claimed there lives never occurred.

While the heroes had an inner monologue while staring blankly at them the two were in the verge of tears. Both trying not to laugh neither could look at each other in fear of breaking into heavy laughter.

"I can't believe it."

Both of the boys eyes widened and "coughed" whole squeezing there eyes shut. They actually believe.

"Your my grandson," Enji said

The orange haired boy began to laugh so hard. His chair was rocking back and forth. While the blue haired boy lost it to and literally banged head on the table involuntarily. They both became hysterical with laughter. The adults all walked out of the room apparently this wasn't amusing. So while Touya and Oboro were totally losing there shit the adults were having a discussion outside.

"You know Pro heroes there does match there supposed parents well Shimo matches Enji and Rei's as does Oboro and his father and mother. But it's unfortunate we couldn't find any records of Touya and Oboro to compare to but there DNA does match." The officer said politely as the other two were trying comprehend what the fuck was going on.

"If they are related that means there quirks would be extremely powerful." Enji said

Yes of course this piece of trash had said that. I mean let's ignore they may have a probability of being grandson (real son) they are still human and not just needed for the use of there quirk.

"I must agree imagine if the LoV got to them first."

"How about UA? I mean we can train them."

The men seemed to agree... I mean the pros agreed because the detective still seemed unsure of whether that was a wise decision but he merely had to oblige. Leading the room to the both hysterical boys the were almost determined to bring them in. The blues eyes shot up.

"Your coming to Ua."

"Nah I'm fine." Touya laughed while Oboro was gasping for breathe.

"That was a request that was an order."

That seemed to snap the blue haired boy out the hysteria. "Sorry what?"

"You are coming to Ua."


"So you become a hero."

"No. I don't wanna." The boy said. The sound of the other boys laughter died down.

"Too bad you be a hero so come on."

"What?! No."

"It's final." Enji yelled and immediately Touya began to hyperventilate. He was used to the yell followed by the burns and hits. Tears fell down his cheek. "Weak." The man said looking to the side.

"What the fuck?" Oboro asked trying to move his hand to comfort the other boy but was held down by restraints "We aren't going. We don't have to. We. Are. Our. Own. People."

Pulling against the chains.

"And think about the people you can help." Aizawa told him almost making no effort to diffuse the situation with the crying boy.

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