Chapter 10- Its your fault.

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Oboro woke up too Dabi stacking marshmallows on his head. The momentary realisation and the trying to stop moving movements had cause the food to fall of his head.


"What I was bored?"

"You didn't run." The blue haired boy stood up and began to dance round him singing the words over and over.


"You like being around me."

Oboro carried on being himself near Dabi who was getting annoyed... meanwhile.

Eri was sitting on the bed swinging his feet back and forth. She bit her lip and looked at the window no doubt Overhaul was looking for her. She pouted and look up at the star. The older insomniac walked towards Eri and sat next to her. Her red eyes met his eyes.

"Mr Zawa."

"Yes Eri?"

"What happened to Mr Blue hair and Red?"


"The people that saved me."

"... Eri there was no sign of them on the security cameras nor you. It's a mystery how you even got into the most protected school."

"Oh. I guess I will never see flame boy or cloudy hair."

Flame boy and cloudy hair...

"I'll search for them if you really want me to."

"Yess please."

She hugged him.


If it wasn't for Oboro indecisive idiotic mind and self we wouldn't be in this god fucking mess. Thought Dabi bitterly

They both were racing up and down the alleyways, dodging and diving from different attacks it turned out the pro had called others. They flipped over every corner and they climbed up a ladder escaping to the rooftops trying to escape the pro hero's behind them. Well they could only guess pros? I mean they weren't going to check if Shiggy was behind they were fucked either way.

They were simply meant to be going to a god fucking restaurant how did the fuck this up so badly.


"I found some hair dye."

"Okay cool toss me one."

"Yess sir." He tossed him a box. It took a matter of second before you could hear Dabi sighing and rubbing his forehead.

"Are you stupid."

"Yes... it's trick question right."

"No. You gave red hair dye."

"Yeah and I got myself turquoise blue and yellow. I was think half and half."

"Fucking dumbass."

"1. Your hair is a turquoise light blue anyways and 2. I already have red hair."

"Oh that why i thought you'd make a good red head."

Breathe this idiot is right now your only friend... did I just call idiot #1 a friend of mine. What has this world come to!? Dabi thought.

"Toss me the blue hair dye."


"I'm not going as a blonde."

"Hmph I wanted to have turquoise hair." Dabi bit his lip and got the box.

"I'm not even gonna say what's wrong with that."

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