Chapter 33 - Soft, Sweet, Juicy.

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When the song starts you start humming the song. "You know the lyrics?" Yoongi asks you. "Yes... But when I learnt this song, I didn't know Korean at that time... So, I'm good at their pronunciations." "Oh but now you learn them with correct pronunciations, right?" "Yes. I will learn." "Good. I will be listening to the song from you." "Hehe sure." "Yes." 

"Ha... It was doing good! I liked it. I didn't know that I can dance also. Haha!" He says laughing. "Hehe! You are good at dancing, not only you, all are best dancers." You say. "Hmm... True! By the way... How did you learn Korean? I mean it must have taken too much time right?" "Hmm... It took only one minute." "What?! You kidding me right?" "No. I learnt Korean by magic." "Ahh! That. So you should have said that before. Dumbo." He says lightly punching on your head. "Aaaa! You are dumbo." You punch him back. You both then laugh.

"Can I borrow your phone?" He asks you. "Why?" "I want to watch some more videos of BTS." "Ok! You can use it but if somebody calls me or something just let me know ok?" "Ok ok sure. You just stay close to me. Don't go anywhere." "Haha ok! I'm at home only. Jimin gave me punishment to stay at home." "Why?" "Actually what happened is, yesterday I came late at night right? I told them that I was at my sister's house but I was at my house. My own house, of my real world. So, today morning Sujin must have called me when I left. But I left my phone in Jimin's room, by mistake. So... She must have told him that I wasn't at her house yesterday. Then Jimin scolded me and gave me punishment to stay at home today."

"Hmm oh!... Everything is ok but... What was your phone doing in Jimin's room?!" He says giving you a detective look. "Ab... Ab... Um... Th-" "Don't tell me that you slept with Jimin last night! Is it?" You do a little nod looking away. "Pft! Ahahaha! Good good! How was your experience? Hahahaha!" He said laughing hard. He holds his stomach while laughing.

"What do you mean by experience?! We both just slept. We did nothing. Ok?" You say in a bold voice. "Uh-huh?! Really!? Then what are these blue hickeys on your neck? Huh?" "Th-that was just... He bites me many times. But... From my side, I did not do anything. I didn't even let him kiss me. He was begging so much but still, I stood the same." "Oho! Why? Why didn't you let him kiss you?" "Um... I want to give my first kiss to the person whom I love." "Then you don't love him?" "Like I love him as an Idol, right? Not as my boyfriend or a life partner. I don't have that feeling for him." "Then for whom you have that feeling? Jin hyung?" "No! I mean yes... Maybe... Argh! I don't know!!!" You say frustratedly.

"Hahaha! You are cute." He says laughing. You glare at him. "Then... Why... Did... You gave... Me your first kiss?" "NO NO! I didn't kiss you. Please don't think that." "Then what was that Y/N?" "I did that to stop you from speaking. When we both were inside, that time from outside I heard my brother and his ex-crush's voice." "What?! You have a brother too?!" "Yes, I have an elder brother." "Oh wow! Good."

"But... Can I say something?" Yoongi says. "Ya! Go ahead." "Um... I liked... The kiss. Your lips are so soft, sweet and juicy." "WHAT?!!! WHAT DID YOU SAY? SAY IT AGAIN!!" You shouted angrily. "Your lips are soooooo soft, sweet and juicy!!" He says teasing you. You grab a cushion and beat him with it. He laughs. Then he also grabs a cushion and you both fight with it.


Hoseok and Jungkook enter.

You both were busy in cushion fights that you didn't notice them. "Oho! What you both are doing?!" Hoseok says. You both then stop and look at him. Hoseok giggles when he looks at you. "What happened?" You ask. "Your hair... Hahaha. See your hair. Ahahaha." Jungkook says laughing hard.

Your hair was all messed up because of the cushion fight. You glare at Yoongi, who was laughing so much. "Don't laugh. It was because of you." He continues to laugh. "You are a fallen angel." "Uh-huh?! Then I'll take Jimin also with me in darkness." "Take him. He is also very annoying." You say opening your braid. After opening your hair you make a messy bun of them.

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