Chapter 13 - The Trap Door

Start from the beginning

"My Scar, keeps burning" Harry grunted in pain

"It happened before" Hermione said 

"Not like this" Harry replied

"You should see the nurse" Ron suggested 

"I think its a warning. It means Danger's coming" Harry said

"Don't think of it that way... maybe its telling to be alert for what's coming" Y/n said

"That's pretty much like a warning" Ron said and Y/n slight glared at him and Harry stopped in his tracks

"Of course" Harry whispered and Y/n smirked

'finally' Y/n thought

"What is it?" Hermione asked following Harry

"Don't you think its a bit odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon and a Strangers shows up who just happens to have one?" Harry said hurrying to Hagrid

"That's right...How many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets?" Y/n said walking beside Harry

"And when its almost illegal to own one" Ron said understanding

"Why didn't I see it before?" Harry said and started running

'Because you were supposed to find out now' Y/n thought following him

Soon they approached Hagrid who was peacefully playing the theme with his flute

"Who gave you that Dragon egg?" Y/n asked

"What did he looked like?" Harry continued

"I don't know...I never saw his face.. He kept his hood up" Hagrid told them

"This stranger though.....You and he must've have talked" Harry asked again

"Well... he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I told him that  'after Fluffy, a dragon's gonna be no problem" Hagrid smiled proudly

"Did he seem interested in Fluffy??" Y/n asked this time

"Well, of course he was interested in Fluffy.... How often you come across a three-headed dog?.. even if you're into the trait...But I told him, I said 'The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him...' take Fluffy for example..Play him a little bit of music and he falls straight to sleep" Hagrid said grinning

'Poor Hagrid'  Y/n thought When others looked at each other

"I shouldn't have told you that" Hagrid said realizing and Four of them begun to Run

"Where are you going??? wait!!" Hagrid called for them

"Thanks for your time, Hagrid!!!" Y/n yelled while running 

They ran straight to McGonagall's classroom

"We have to see Professor Dumbledor, immediately" Harry said

"I'm afraid Professor Dumbledor is not here.....He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left" McGonagall said staring right threw them

"He's gone? but this is important" Harry pleaded

"This is about Philosopher's Stone" Y/n said in a low-tone and McGonagall froze

"How do you know?" she asked her

"Someone's going to try and steal it" Harry and Y/n said in unison

"I don't know how you four found about this, but I assure you it is perfectly protected...Now .. would you go back to your Dormitories... Quietly" She told them and they left her

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