Chapter 2 - 3 conditons

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Jinae's POV

I looked at the different drinks they had offered from the shop, to be honest I could never really decide on what I want to order

Just when I decided on what to buy, someone told the ahjuma exactly want I wanted

"Ne, I'll have that one" I nodded my head before turning around to face someone who I never thought I would see after the years that past us.

"S-Sehun shi" managing to find my voice but it came out more shaky and weak than I expected

I found him looking at me with a smirk plastered on his face, I really want to hug him for some reason. It was as if there was this tight feeling in my heart whenever I see him but it would be gone instantly after I recall the events that had happened

"Could you be any louder?" Sehun's smirk quickly went to form an annoyed expression

"Miane...what are you doing here?" Asking him while trying my best to avoid his gaze,

"I'm at a bubble tea shop, don't you think I would get bubble tea?" He rolled his eyes, sarcasm was clear in his course. Was he always this cold and rude? Certainly I didn't remember him being like this when we were younger

"Why don't you just make a movie while you're staring at me like that" Sehun voice snapped me from my thoughts while I tried hard not to blush

"You're cheeks are red" Sehun pointed out, damm...was he always this annoying

but I can't just ignore him...

Recollecting my thoughts I spun around to see choon hee coming back from her shopping visit

"jinaieeee" she called out before coming over to stand next to me

"Ne?" I smiled as I saw her holding another exo magazine she just found

"OMOOOO! Who's that?" Choon hee asked while coming closer to look as Sehun

"Are you guys dating?" She raised an eyebrow at me. Absolutely

"Ani-" I was cut off by Sehun grabbing my by the waist and pulling me closer to him so close that I could feel his steady heart beat against my rapid one

"She's my girlfriend" Sehun smiled while giving Choon hee a wink

"Ohhhhh, so that's why you stopped liking Sehun" Choon hee laughed while I shot her a glare

This was the same person who said she knew all about them yet there's one standing right in front of her

"She liked Sehun...the one from exo?" Sehun had an amused expression on his face which I felt my stomach twist all over.

Choon hee ah, please don't say anything stupid

"Kurom! She had a crush on him when they were younger, I guess she stopped when she dated you" Choon hee smiled as she took a sip from her drink.

Aish was all I could say in my head

"Jinja? Daebak" Sehuh chuckled as I covered my heated face with my hands.

"Choon hee ah, he's not-" I got cut off again, this time by Choon hee

"Just go with him won't you?" Choon hee ushered me towards him, making me crush into his body once more

"Gomawoyo" Sehun smiled while taking my hand into his, the warmth of his hand was comforting more than anything...if only he was like this then but it doesn't really matter much now

"Where are we going?" I asked while we dashed through the crowds of people

"My car" Sehun told me while not bothering to look at me

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