New Place

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POV: you and your boyfriend Danny finally move into a new place together.  (I don't know what else to say besides that )

You sighed as you placed the last box down onto the counter and sat down in one of the chairs infront that you had brought with you. Danny walked in carrying his plushies as he tried to not drop any of them on the way to the bedroom. He dropped one of them as he pouted with a frown on his face, causing you to smile. How was he this cute. You laughed as you watched him try to pick it up causing him to drop the rest of his plushies of the ground.

"oh no my plushies" he said in a cute yet upset tone as he picked them up again, one by one, dusting the dirt off of them as he tucked them under his arm so they wouldn't fall again. You stood up and picked up the last one on the floor which was his stitch plushy as you dusted it off and looked over to Danny. "Here let me help you"

You said as you grabbed a few of the plushies out of his arms and carried them to the room and placed them onto your bed. Danny followed you as he did the same and sat down on the bed with a content sigh. "Finally, everything's here. All we need to do is just pack away our things"

He said as you nodded. "We'll do that tomorrow, we've done enough for today"

you said as Danny hummed in response. "I'm kinda curious though, why'd you pick this place?"

He looked at you and smiled. "I picked it because it's so spacious and I love the way the interior designers decorated it, also we don't have any neighbours so I can scream as loud as I want"

he said as he leaned closer to you and said in a low tone. "...but that also means, it means if no one can hear me scream, no one's gunna hear you scream either darling"

he said causing you to blush and hit him away from you. "stop being you weird"

you said moving a bit away from him. "hey come back here" he said he held onto your waist and pulled you closer to him. And just as you thought something romantic was about to happen.

He pokes your sides causing you to burst out laughing. Danny took this as a chance to continue tickling you as he pushed you onto the bed and mercilessly tickled you until your stomache hurt from laughing. "St-stop, I can't breathe"

you said as you tried to catch your breath but you ended up bursting out into laughter again. Danny smiled as he finally stopped tickling you and let you breathe. "Aww you look so cute"

he said cupping your face and squishing your cheeks. "How did I end up with such a pretty girlfriend like you"

he said as he kissed your forehead, your nose, cheeks and finally your lips. you smiled up at him as he smiled back. "I love you"

you said as you brushed his hair out of his face. "I love your more darling"

A/n: I finally decided to update after a while of contemplating whether I should. this one's a little bit longer than the other ones, I hope you enjoyed it :)

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