[25] Lapis Lazuli

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this is all smut so if you're not 18+ just go on ahead and skip this and wait for the next chapter ♥

tl;dr: curry pickle and mc have the seggs but their relationship is still in shambles

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Neither of you had made a move to get up as you sat on Kurapika's lap; instead, you had wound up straddling him as the two of you kissed slowly, as if you both were unsure of your movements. Unsurprising — neither of you had time for romance with the lifestyles you both led. While you knew this was definitely your first time doing anything like this, you were certain it was Kurapika's, too.

It helped ease your anxiety when you thought about how the both of you were inexperienced.

Arms looped around Kurapika's neck, you felt his fingers dance underneath your shirt, tracing circles onto your sides soothingly. He was patient, not moving his hands farther up.

Was he waiting for you to make the first move? Bold, considering how there was still a ball of anxiety in your stomach.

Kurapika pulled away, one of his hands coming up to cup your cheek. "[Y/n]... I love you," he finally responded, and you felt your heart palpitate, eyes blown wide as he continued. "But don't feel forced... I know you're still nervous."

A soft breath left your lips, and your eyes closed as your lips turned upwards slightly. "I'm just nervous because I've never done anything like this before, but... It's definitely not forced. I want to do this, Kurapika, I just..."

His thumb brushed across your cheek, and your eyes fluttered back open to look at him. "We'll take it slow," he promised, kissing the tip of your nose. "I'll be gentle, and if you want to stop at any time... I will."

The tenderness in both his words and gaze had the ball of anxiety melt in an instant, and you relaxed on his lap. Deciding to take the initiative yourself, you leaned forward and pressed a harsher kiss on his lips, your entire body pressing into him. Kurapika had made a small noise in the back of his throat — surprise, maybe? — but followed suit quick enough, one hand cupping the back of your head while the other hand rested on your waist underneath your shirt, shockingly cool in contrast to your feverish skin.

Pressing further into him, one of your hands found its way to his head, your fingers threading in his hair as you bit his lower lip softly, rolling it between your teeth. When you did his, he let out what sounded like a mix of a hum and a groan and pulled away from the kiss. For a moment, you thought you had messed up, but instead he had tilted your head back and was immediately peppering kisses down your jawline and neck.

"Mm... Kura...."

Your voice was soft and breathy, thoughtless and floaty. It was hard to focus as he gave your neck small nips, all while the hand under your shirt trailed higher and higher with featherlight touches.

Tensing on his lap, Kurapika had bit down on a particularly sensitive area at the juncture of your neck and collarbone. As soon as he did that, he murmured a soft 'sorry' against your skin, lightly sucking on the area to soothe it. Not quite a moan, you had let out a shuddering breath.

You wanted to lose yourself in this moment, forever. Just you, and Kurapika.

Absentmindedly, you found his hands with your own, bringing them down to the hem of your shirt. The blond pulled away from your neck, and as if his brain lagged, he gave you a quizzical look.

Without meaning to, you giggled. "For somebody so quick, you're also a bit slow," you teased, although your tone was more in adoration than anything else. Tugging on his hands as a signal, he finally got the memo, a muted blush rising to his cheeks. In an attempt to be suave, Kurapika tried pulling your shirt off in one smooth motion — only for the shirt hole to get caught around your head.

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