[12] Fluorescent Apologies

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Never before had you ever had to endure a more awkward car ride, yet here you were, sandwiched between two 13-year-olds. Up front, Leorio was driving — surprisingly enough, he hadn't said a single word yet. Hanzo had been quick to call shotgun, and for some reason you were stuck in the middle seat between Gon and Killua.

It was nice to see the two again, for sure, but it didn't make it any less tense. Gon was the only one keeping up conversation, although you weren't sure if it was because he didn't notice the tension or if he just wanted to get rid of it.

"So back during the exam.... You already knew nen?"

You gave Gon a terse smile, confirming with a short 'yes'. "I'm surprised you two picked up so quickly, though. Good job."

Gon beamed, Killua huffing on the other side of you. "We had a great nen teacher, osu!"

The exaggerated add-on had you pause entirely before you turned your head to fully look at Gon, regarding him weirdly.

"Is everything okay?"

You shook your head. Was your sleep deprivation starting to affect your hearing, too? "Sorry, I just . . . You sounded like Zushi, for a moment."


Killua's and Gon's exclamation combined had startled everybody, causing Leorio to almost swerve the car as he finally spoke up, yelling at you three.


You meekly apologize before glancing between the two kids. "Are you two saying that your nen master was Wing?"

Gon's eyes lightened up. "Yes! Were you also trained by him?"

You . . .

Trained by . . .


An irritated look crossed your face at the mere suggestion of Wing teaching you — he was only a couple years older than you! "That dork? Teach me? The one with the constant bedhead and can't even tuck his shirt in properly?"

Apparently, his appearance hadn't changed since the last time you saw him as Gon laughed sheepishly. Sighing, you leaned back against the seat.

"No. Wing and I trained together under the same mentor, though, so I'm well acquainted with him."

Before the conversation could continue, Leorio had pulled in front of the hotel with a harsh stop. When he next spoke, his voice was unenthusiastic and bland. It was a tone that you had never heard from the usually lively teen.

"You all head in. I'll get the valet to park the car."

Nobody wanted to argue, instead exiting the car quietly. When Leorio peeled out to head towards valet parking, you thinned your lips. No doubt, he was pissed at you, and while you understood why, that didn't mean you wanted to deal with his irritation.

Gon and Killua, having likely been staying with Leorio, were oddly quiet as they led you and Hanzo up to the hotel room. You noticed that Leorio must have changed rooms — probably a good idea, since you had dissolved one of the beds.

Arriving to the hotel room, the four of you quietly filed in, and that's when Gon finally spoke up.

"He's not mad at you."

You regarded Gon wearily, not entirely believing him. Before you could voice your doubts, though, Gon continued.

"He was upset, and worried, but he's not mad at you."

Midnight Resolve [Kurapika x Kurta!Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora