[3] Periwinkle Family

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You and Bisky had decided to stay in Jappon after your visit to the Kurta compound. In the end, she reasoned, it didn't matter where you trained, as long as she was the one training you. Frankly, you had to agree. Biscuit Krueger was a force to be reckoned with, and a change in surroundings wasn't ever going to change that.

"You said you were raised in the village Nikko, right?" Hanzo had asked on your way out of the Lukso Province. You nodded once, and Bisky hummed, thoughtful.

"Is there a lot of rural land around it?"

Hanzo looked over at her, nodding in affirmation. "Yeah, it's a small village in the middle of nowhere."

Your mentor grinned, a sight that made you feel nervous. "Then we'll head there. That way you can see your adopted parents again, and we can stay there while you train." You had a feeling you were going to be in training hell for the next few months, but you trusted Bisky's mentorship. Easily angered and deceitful she may be, she was one of the best damn teachers you could ever hope for, and you truly were grateful that she was going to continue to train you.

With that resolution, instead of heading back to the airport, Hanzo had led you all to the village. After leaving the Lukso Province and having access to cellular data again, you all had hailed a cab. The trip to Nikko wasn't long - you were ecstatic to sleep indoors again, and within a few hours of leaving the Lukso Province had you arrived at the village, the sun just barely starting to set.

Standing on the outskirts of the village, the familiar rural fields around you, you turned to Hanzo. It seemed like this was where you would part ways with him, and you surprised both him and yourself as you wrapped him in a quick hug. He was startled, but awkwardly hugged back, patting your back.

"I'm sure I'll see you again," he said as you pulled away, and you gently nodded. Hanzo's expression dimmed, his face becoming more serious. Contemplative. ". . . You're going to go after the Phantom Troupe, aren't you?"

Hesitating, you confirmed his thoughts.

Resting a hand on the back of his neck, Hanzo sighed. "I guess it's to be expected. I'd do the same if I lost my family," he admitted. "But be careful. If you ever need help, you have my number."

You were astounded by his offer, but ultimately grateful. You hadn't liked Hanzo at first, and didn't believe you would have ever been able to forgive him after what he did to Gon during the Hunter Exam, but... Well, you had definitely underestimated him.

Bisky announced that she was going to go on ahead, leaving you and Hanzo, and you furrowed your eyebrows. "Why, though? Why would you help?"

The Cloud Ninja laughed. "In the past two weeks we've spent traveling, you've grown on me."

You couldn't help the wry remark that left your lips. "Despite you being the one who talked for a majority of it?"

Hanzo didn't take any offense, his brown eyes twinkling in amusement. "Hey, you opened up a bit more about your childhood on the way back. Besides, you're a good listener."

You didn't refute that, instead shoving your hands into your pockets. ". . . York New City," you decided, meeting his gaze. He made a noise of confusion, and you continued. "September 1st. I received a tip that the Troupe will be there, so that's where I'll be."

"September 1st..." His lips quirked upwards. "I heard the auction there is pretty interesting. Maybe I'll see you there."

You met his smile with a grin of your own, and you started to turn, ready to go to the home you did have memories of. "Maybe I'll see you there," you echoed, meeting his eyes once more before fully turning around and heading into the village.

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