[4] Teal Trepidation

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"You need to go back to the basics."

The next morning, the sun still having yet to rise, you and Bisky stood out in the open fields outside the village. It was easily four or five in the morning, but neither of you showed signs of sleepiness. It was a schedule you two had been accustomed to.

"The basics?" You asked, pursing your lips. Before you could protest, Bisky cut you off harshly. She was in strict instructor mode, and you had learned long ago that debating her words would be futile. She didn't have to teach you, and the tiny woman was the only one you trusted with your nen training.

"You're strong," she appraised. "But strong enough to go against the Phantom Troupe? You wouldn't last a minute. You're going to need a lot more work, especially if we're going to finish this within a few months."

You weren't going to argue against her there. If you couldn't last against Hisoka, there's no way you'd be able to take on the rest of the Troupe. Her point was solid, and you gave a sharp nod, preparing yourself as the two of you began to spar so she could make a proper assessment of where you were currently at. You lasted about five minutes before she had laid you out onto the dirt.

Sometimes it was really easy to forget how strong she really was. You don't remember her going this hard on you last time she had trained you.

Clucking her tongue, Bisky stood over you, unamused. "Strength is important," she said, "but your strong points will be your speed and agility. It doesn't matter how strong a hit is if it can be missed."

You stared up at the sky, processing her words.

"Get up. You don't have time to rest."

Listening to her words, you pulled yourself up, following her instructions silently as she began to bark out orders once again.

No matter what it takes, you were going to get stronger.

The days went on with Bisky's harsh training regimen. She pulled out all of the stops for you. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months - soon enough, it was the beginning of August, one month away from the York New Auction. Today had been particularly brutal. You had been in a sour mood thanks to a dream about your past, the sun was unforgiving, and Bisky was being more harsh than usual.

"Your anger is clouding your judgement," she pointed out as you knelt on the ground, heaving from the beat down you had just received. "Your moves are brasher and sloppy. If you're going to fight solely for vengeance, I shouldn't have started training you in the first place. Sometime down the road, you're going to get yourself or your friends killed for revenge."

You snapped.

"I know! You think I don't know what's going on? The Phantom Troupe took away my family. They don't deserve to live, and my hatsu itself isn't strong enough to take them on. What else am I supposed to do if not bring my own family justice?!"

Bisky grew angrier. "You're a child. To live for revenge is to throw your whole life away! I'm trying to help you, brat!"

You stood up, throwing your arms up in the air in exasperation. "I'm done today. I don't need your lecturing when you have no clue about what I'm going through."

She could have stopped you. Bisky was far stronger than you and could have easily stopped you from leaving, but instead she stood where she was, yelling at you as you stormed off into the nearby forest, anger blinding you.

How dare she? She hadn't had her memories taken from her. She hadn't had her family massacred in front of her very eyes, hadn't had to watch her mother take her dying breaths.

Midnight Resolve [Kurapika x Kurta!Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang