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much to my relief, it seemed everyone else was as uncomfortable as me. After my unpleasant experience getting diapered I had been brought into a large classroom filled with a number of other kids my age. they all wore thick padded diapers and were each strapped into large baby bouncers, some more restrained than others. dr. gecks had a firm hand on my shoulder and I was steered towards a bouncer in the front. Every inch of me wanted to run but I was terrified of what they would do to me. another handler came over and buckled me into the bouncer, making sure to lock it to ensure i wouldn't try anything. there was a dull chatter as kids whispered to one another. handlers and doctors bustled about the room getting everything ready for our first day. The walls were painted the same shade of green and had large polka dots in pink and blue. everything was big and bright. It looked like a daycare center. I tried to get into a more comfortable position, between the big dipper and thick straps holding me down. I felt helpless. as I squirmed , a horrifying realization dawned on me. there are most definitely going to make us use our diapers. I almost gagged at the thought but before I could dwell on the horrible concept any longer a tall woman walked into the room, and everyone got silent. they had long brown hair and stood looking down at all of us. It was humiliating, sitting in nothing but a shirt and diaper, strapped into a baby bouncer and unable to talk because of a pacifier. "hey little babies" she said in a sweet but strict tone "i hope everyone is adjusting alright after the ride over' ' the class was silent for a few moments until a boy shouted from the back. "fuck you!" he yells with a smile. I turned to see miles, with fresh blood on his face. it looked like he had put up quite a fight, god that idiot. the tall women did not seem to be fazed by his behavior. she sighed and began to walk towards him "there's always one" she said with a sad smile. She gave a nod to two people in the back and two handlers promptly unstrapped him from his bouncer and dragged him up to the front. "I suppose this is a good segway," she said, addressing the class, "My name is ms. donner, you will call me that or mommy if you so choose" she continued to speak as another handler brought out a chair and placed it beside her "there is a strict set of rules that you will follow, one of which being there is to be no normal speech, especially profanity. i expect you all to use your baby words'' she sits down in the chair and miles is held beside her "failure to comply with this or any other rule, will result in harsh punishment" the handlers pulled miles's diaper down and laid him across her lap "one of which being a public spanking" she picked up a paddle from the desk behind her and began to lash his bottom. he was clearly in pain but did not want to show it. his face turned as red as his butt as he stifled a scream, he didn't want to give her the satisfaction of seeing him in pain. ms. Donner grew more irritated with each stroke. After the twentieth hit she grimaced and put the paddle down. miles was breathing hard and he was clearly on the verge of tears, but he had yet to make a sound. "fine" ms. donner muttered. she pinpointed two spots on his side and pushed in with her fingers. miles was clearly startled by this sudden change and was even more surprised when he let out a flood of pee. it soaked ms. donners lap and created a huge pool on the floor. it was at this point that Miles could hold back no longer. He yelled in surprise and pain and embarrassment, she had finally gotten to him. a satisfied smile crossed her face before she stood up and addressed the nearest handler. she looked down at miles, now sitting almost naked in a pool of his own piss. "oh my, it seems we really do have a big baby on our hands'' she said shaking her head and turning to the man in a long white coat "put him in two extra large diapers, don't take them off until he leaks'' the man nodded and he and another handler dragged miles out of the room, trailing his pee across the floor. "i'm going to have to get changed after that unfortunate accident. I let my teaching assistant talk to you about the rules and their subsequent punishments. she walked out and a young man stepped forward and spoke. "now then, lets begin"

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